Sunday, August 21, 2016

The Calling Of God

Day Three, 08/21

Righteously Dividing The Enemy
     Like Watching Noah's Earth/Flood, a voice. "Mark 17 and 7," like the days of Noah, Jesus, Mat. 24; And there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet 1993, AD, (my people are being stripped of everything Jesus), GOH, Apb

Prophecy Link

     Seen to be seeing Islamic Terrorist awarded diamond wedding rings 2003, for their relentless efforts especially against the West, 2003, no peace and safety, remember? 

Every Praise Is To Our God!

     -As you're anointed upon by the lifting up into heaven lyrics of this song, remember this is additionally why Jesus died, that everything that hath breath praise Heavenly Father, 24/7, like those heavenly beast, the Cherubim and the Seraphim, hallelujah, bless Him!
     -So those with failed attempts for thousands of years of trying to get to either opposite Christ's Cross. Sincerely  if you were ever in doubt of whether you're losing it, definitely trying to reach Him, without Jesus mean strong delusions has happen to you, repent or perish. Jesus, Apb
    - Reminded to Remember 05/15/2016, was only my ascended these 4 years husband birthday, but Is, was The Twelfth Anniversary Of The Angel Gabriel's Appearing Declaring Us The Generation

Crumbling The Walls Of Jericho, Jos. 6:1-27

He Got Gold, He Got A Robe, He Got A Crown,

     -I woke this morning, spelling the word twelfth whereas I'm again reminded, though May 15th 2016, was my spouse 4th anniversary of ascension. As well Remembering how Minister Caden now nearing seven gave us this stunning testimony about it. 
    -Responding to his grandfather needing nothing from us as I reminded being in heaven he. Well, Caden continued smiling at me, saying, yeah, he, granddaddy, got gold, he got a robe, he got a crown; that before he was finished saying , I was dancing and shouting hallelujah!
   -Remarkable, though it was as well, and mostly importantly the twelfth anniversary of the Angel Gabriel appearing, not only forewarning, we're that generation, but right into the sounding of the seventh Angel celebration, Rev. 11, how the Kingdoms of men have fallen to God, and His Anointed, Christ Jesus/the Bride.
     -We all know the value The sum twelve has, of its significance in heaven, and by Christ's Cross on the earth, The twelve tribes of Israel, the twelve disciples, the twelve pearly gates in heaven, the 2 times twelve, elders John saw reigning in  heaven, excreta, hallelujah!
     -Adversely as to forewarn further, I'm commenting the third day of the "week," prophecy, 08/18/2016, from this Jericho trailer, because. Actually, to he honest, for the last week, its been like ongoing in my head. Historically, Jericho is a Palestinian city located near the Jordan River in the      
     -West Bank. As so doing the days of Joshua, Jos. 6:1-27, from this ancient city comes one of the greatest lessons ever that God's Thoughts are not ours thoughts, nor His Ways our ways, we just have to learn to obey Him, no matter what or how it seem. 
     -Though for our entertainment, those who don't know, the Jericho TV series is about a successful, homegrown plot of planting dirty nuclear bombs. Those of which explodes throughout many American cities, completely crippling the country, this beyond frightening horror.
     -To be certain, though many have predicted the nation will all the more descend into a mad max scenario. The Jericho tv series give us an up close and personal reality check of when our American Dream end, though with much warning, all of a sudden and food, water, shelter and even that become more important than gold, silver, and calculating bear markets.
      -This would be pretty much like the sentence behind the Intrepid Dream judgment 2001-2017, only bigger, as it's to end for both good and righteousness sake, all of westernized civilization.  Much of which Hath its beginning American soil the day those New York Tower's, like those of Babel, crashed to the earth.
     -Just as in the days of the prophet Jeremiah, warning the people for forty years, and the appointing of the prophet Ezekiel, this harsh reminder of its fulfillment. When you read the Prophets' Jeremiah lamenting what he saw from a hill way off, his, their Judah, their Jerusalem, their Israel, falling just as they saw, said and cried.       
     -I saw this same thing, only I saw it before this cataclysmic disaster, and have been living in its post rapture setting 1986-2016, these last thirty years. This breaking out of end time prophecy will further explain seeing one US General explain to his men, a pileup of torture vehicles all around them, for as far as the eyes could see, as a dirty Mede.
     -As so an additional one, of a US General handing his horse off to a prophet Jeremiah, citing no contest with Bible Prophecy. Yet and still another, all in 2003, witnessing a surreal ceremony whereas Islamic soldiers where being awarded diamond wedding rings. I presume their own apostate wedding supper, in their efforts against the West.  All of which began successfully American soil, as those New York towers crumbled to its ground.
    -As need be, one if only for the last time question, have you pound self into the dust yet, as so guns, bombs, and apostate assembly? Whose fan, even replenishing flame is in a  trustworthy Jesus' hand, even the bloody Cross of redemption He Hath for them, got Him? Awake, be as aware as God, Himself, Apb, the RAM,

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