Thursday, August 25, 2016


Day Seven, 08/25, of the "week," prophecy 08/18/2016

Broken, The Rainbow Covenant
The Sky Truly Is Falling, It's A Bird, It's A Plane, No, It's The Stone Made Without Hands

Righteously Dividing The Enemy

Neither Hath It Entered Into Heart                              

    -When I awaken with the Lyrics we exalt thee going on and on in my head, see, as though I'd been gravely anointed upon being in heaven, and I'll admit, these last thirty years seeming I've spend as much time there as here. Still those who haven't heard, this beyond imagined testimony, first, just remember, I'd been having spikes like for weeks, well to be honest, years prior, one whereas I remember glancing into this special book, and yet another where I actually came into contact with some of it names.
     Those which dissipated from my memory as I became awake, only this particular morning, yes as I came back to earth as one would say, I was allowed to remember certain parts of this phenomenon of a ceremony. I described by an additional testimony, one I imagined like John the beloved, who would soon learn, he wasn't staying, how it wasn't time, he was only visiting. Obviously how it is I found myself in heaven, clearly a celebration was going on there, when a heavenly being approached, possibly the Bridegroom Himself. He said to me and I repeat, "He want to see you," and I said, inquired who?
     Then again He said, Him, when just as soon I found myself standing before a mountain from whence an illumination like sun emerges, speak and say, again I quote, "let my people go!" Nothing I'd seen since, was more or could be more miraculous, until Feb. 2, 2015, they showed me the bride reigning in heaven do the greatest of tribulation, also shown to be in possession of the stone made without hands just before she released it, this antichrist murderer.     
     -Just as well this songs, these especial lyrics, how like a roll call being performed, the books where open, this book of life, even the writing and keeping of all of  it's characters divine adventures, from the earliest of Adam, into the Spirit and the Bride saying "come," again, this especial book was open, and it's blessed names were being called right out of it. That even as each name was summon as so, as I told, said reveal would rise up and out of these ancient pages and be seen and celebrated as it spread about them, and soon fitter and float into amazing spaces of  heavens, so when I awaken, these astonishing lyrics, 'we exalt thee,' filling up my blessed hope for all of time, with this inconceivable testimony, again I say Hallelujah!

And Earthquakes In Divers Places, One Taken And The Other Left

     The people of Ezekiel's Judah became known for making a particular statement, and I quote, "the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, you know as well as I it was a way, possibly the only way to explain their continence at falling into greater and greater abominations. The prophet Jeremiah had forewarn them for some 40 years, how just as pleasured themselves by unsightly transgressions they would reap the corruption measured therein, but not having ears for hearing any correction for God, how could they know, they were immensely like the people of God, now, completely closed off, with God equally responding to their out right rebellion, by turning even from them, ok, judgement then, only with Ezekiel's entry these sentences of cataclysms where no longer pending, invasion, seizure, famine and death were all making their camp, all about them. 
     Beast of Beauty describes the whole world, not just portions, and there's danger, and the walking through the valley of the shadow of death concerning it all. The only celebration in it is to die rooted and grounded in Christ Jesus, the only good life and living, having our treasures set in heaven. The good death that we're ascended to there once it's done, said, those who've been reading behind me, especially these last six days of today, it's seventh day of the week prophecy I received on the Aug. 18th. Well, although I don't do dates, and Jesus taking of the bride and even upon their return is said to be as that of a thief. So as an appointed by Christ Himself appearing, 1986, and living in a post great gathering of Saints, what the righteous bride is waiting to happen to them, has already to them with her awaiting glorification.
      This remarkable beyond remarkable have just happen to her, but to Jesus forty days after resurrection, temporarily to John, hearing a trumpet crying come up here, in like 96 Ad, to Enoch and Elijah , soon arriving these two witness, centuries ago. Even one giving a testimony of being transported from one place to another. I, this end-time apostle have had forms of it's enactments enhancing my faiths for decades, witnessing both a trial run to a dress rehearsal unto this glorious event. So here lately, we've gone from a divine census taking, to a roll call out of the book of life, now as far as our return with Jesus. As those once aligned at his feet, as the bride, stood on Mount Olivet with them, With him, the armies of  heaven with Michael this lead, the only identifiable trump of God I saw, is when I witness a trumpet being hand off to the Angel Gabriel.
    This is why you then hear the Apostle Paul now teaching of such things suddenly say, then, the most important of this injunction mention in the bible, again, and then shall that wicked be revealed, meaning only then can that wicked. This would include the little horn and the false prophet, both of which I witness come out prediction as Obama was campaigning for American's President. Explaining why it is Jesus' Millennium will follow his, as his Obama's Administration, arrival is two weeks and seven years prior to the complete devastation into oblivion of western civilization. Upon him all blame is laid, but clearly as always, a nation falling is by the or its being judged and enacted upon by a sentence of deletion, not because of this one man's unrepentance, not even that of a nation, even a conglomerate of such.
     Although the refusal to obey God into insurmountable abominations of an entire dispensation of grace, reaping it's immeasurable blood guiltiness sown. One thing these thirty years of reaching out Jesus Christ to this world, and allied by Holy Spirits interventions beyond extraordinary completely denounces, always the reminder, how God's form of righteousness, light, (Revelation, Jesus), has come, worship Him. I'm reminded not only of Jesus explaining He's actually the resurrection and life, meaning of His Own Will, resurrection out of death to life, could be enacted whenever, wherever and to whomever He allow and soon it would. As one calling their brother back to life after four days of decaying in a tomb, now rolling the stones away, by which the blood redeem celebrate saying, death where is thy sting, grave where is thy victory, Jesus and His Anointed for live! Awake, Apb, The RAM, also see,

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