Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Finally Judging The Whore, Come Out!

Day Twelve, 08/30, of the "week," prophecy, the count down into resurrection, 

Righteously Dividing The Enemy                                                               

     -Jesuis (I Am, We Are) Jesus Christ, India: Murdered by Maoists, an Indian pastor was kidnapped from his home by a communist gang and then murdered, leaving behind a grieving wife and four children. Pastor Yohan’s body was discovered July 30 near his home. And yet, Pastor Yohan’s wife says that her husband was “killed for the sake of Christ.”
     -A mob of two dozen or more armed men stormed the 45-year-old pastor’s home on the evening of July 29 and took him by force. It would be the last time his family would see him alive. The Maoists (members of the Communist Part of India) beat the pastor, stabbed and shot him before finally cutting his throat. They dumped his body in some bushes, leaving his hands tied behind his back and a warning note nearby. http://www.persecution.com/public/newsroom.aspx?story_ID=%3d383138&featuredstory_ID=%3d353433

     Like Watching Noah's Earth/Flood, a voice "Mark 17 and 7, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, And there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, AD, crying aloud, sparing not, my people are being stripped of everything Jesus, behold I will strip their leaders, GOH, Apb.

Jesus Is Coming, Jesus Is On The Way, 02/17/2015              

Prophecy Link

     -A voice, "self need to be pound into the dust, like a seed," for only then can it mutate through spiritual death and dying  along a newness of human being, this last ever Adam, Jesus Christ, see Jn. 3; 14:16     
     -Very Vivid Dreams About this 'ring of fire,' on the map, even more proof, all rebellion is come to an end, 08/30/2016

Till We Meet Again

     -More and More of you, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bpQqkCF__I by Selah, is one of my favorite songs, I know! I've felt like the confessions of this song, since I crawled into my closet 1986, mocking God for His Righteousness making my fleshly heart sick. Regardless, Holy Spirits crafted a prayer according to Roman's 12:1, 2, so I would emerge a glorious Holy Spirit, as ready as clay in the hands of a Righteous Potter. All unforeseen I know, yet I was amazed at what I was hearing, at what Selah was saying and did they really mean it, did they practice what they were agreeing to sacrifice, if so, how ever could they?
     -It would be like walking in or by, that's living, being born again, and no longer making or having space for sin, no more living by God's Grace, but with everything in, from you, this menace to society as you, worship America as god, being Satan's Seat. Now seeming everybody's enemy, I know, as Jesus, now His Temple, by Holy Spirits live through. If any man come after me let him first deny himself, Jesus, this is the only way. Read The Entire 11th day blog here, www.2016jesusisthespiritofprophecy.blogspot.com

And God Hath Remembered Her Iniquities, Judged Her!  www.thesevenvials2016.blogspot.com                      

     -Surely Michael mean our way of life wouldn't be possible, otherwise, forgetting God and dismissing Christ all to live deliciously with the great whore, the bringing of one Holocaust upon another we deem the American dream. Thank the grace of God, this is why I witness Jesus' millennium follow Obama's, again, the only Blessed Death, Resurrection into immortal life.
     -The only Hope of Salvation from the chaotic mess we've made following man's lead by great evils as they will. Now the weeping of Holy Father behind a silence in heaven, possibly feeling as He felt then, how it repenteth his heart He'd ever made Adam, again thank Him ceaselessly for the second, Last Adam, thank Him for Jesus, per our own repentance of sin.
     -Stop all the killing, desist from the voting of this wickedness in, a nation, even a world movement supposedly rooted and grounded in God, hijacked and lost along a world peace, turn holocaust from day one, all of which Jesus deem liars and thieves constantly gone before them, and they wonder what deception has bamboozled them?
     -Thank the Holy Lords of Israel it's over, "mark 17 and 7," 2003 remember? A prophecy since then that has come to past in so many ways, even the forewarning of Jesus, that end times would be like the days of Noah, having this figure rooted therein it's earth ending flood. Though mostly, as the "week," prophecy every second count us down to resurrection, evenly that being counted down as well. Even as the backward running clock, a sixeth year, under the Rider of death, 1994.
     -Gloriously, it is the dispensation of Grace, per Christ's Cross, as so the Church Age, ending mankind's present generation by 2017, here meaning, Jesus second return, escorting the Righteous Bride arrival is exactly 7 years later, the astronomical fulfillment of this prophecy, "mark 17 and 7."  Where is your head now? It would stand to prophetic reason, when, or in order for Jesus' millennium to follow American's last sitting President, Obama, would then mean. Well we all know, world nations are not going to sit idly by and watch this happen without putting up their grandest fight. It is that resistant, the end time revolution right this second egging world leaders and deadly confrontations on, that's into nuclear tensions and dynamic conventions right now, and Jesus is speeding through the clouds after His.
   -In the first place, it is here we unrivaled the Psalmist most important question of all of them,  why do the heathen rage and the people, rebellious imagine a vain thing? See Ps. 2. Then as you fast forward to the Angel Gabriel appearing, 05/15/2004, reminding us of the sounding of the seventh angel, where Heavens Host, and especially the 24 elders, are all united in celebration, the fall of resistant nations who've lost their kingdom reign to God, where Elohim and His Christ shall reign forever, the beginning of which I witness follow the Obama's Administration, 2008-2016.
     -Agreeably, after the thousand of years are finished, Satan will attempt something similar, and millions will again rage in these evils against Jesus with him, if only for the fewest of seconds, getting rid of the last of the rebellious of yet being this proud, this angry. Admittedly with fear and trembling, I must confess, as I witness Jesus's reign follow Obama's as this world Authentic Peace ever, and forever, and there was great celebration in Heaven. Unveiled as well, was something all the more disturbing, I believe what I saw, as this total regarding a 15% lost, has to do with a death toll proceeding this, one having US soil as it's primary target. I mean, I did doing the intrepid dream see a beige (pale), horse judgment just as something cataclysmically as to overwhelm everything the American Dream.
     -Solemnly, I believe equally, this unforeseen death toll, is why so many prophets have prophesied about millions of Americans dying, one has put this total at 20 million this year of 2016. Even as I share my dreams and visions, how I prophesy these things to my children and grand children, well last night, 08/30/2016, one of them had a dream. One whereas in the dream she was surrounded by individual fuel canisters lit on fire which seem to encircle her all around. Now when she first described this, I reminded her how it sound like a demonic ritual, how even most of the country will perish by fire.     
     -Then, just as suddenly, possibly as those reading here, I was reminded of something I found an interesting article on just the other day, the all and famous 'ring of fire.' Continuing, of what could be this worlds complete decimation and it's ability to like rule as supervisor and trigger finger of all of this earth's seismic activity, those including volcanoes and earthquakes, all of which right now are showing themselves more and more volatile. My granddaughter mention here, is thirteen and one of those a few years who asked me about the Antichrist, who did I think he was, when he would come? They are no way ignorant about the world seen, unseen, both demonic and or Holy Spirit, your heart's  choice, that's all around them.

  Prophecy Links

       -I just received a word just now, 08/22, and I quote, "call for twelve," see twelve tribes of Israel, Rev. 7:4; just as so with insurmountable judgements pending, 2001-2017. Assuredly, this could as well be as the demonstration of that of Ezekiel 9, Ezekiel witnessing a wrathful God summon six slayers out of the higher gate north, now double the rebellious recompense, there are now twelve of them and counting, Apb, see, www.seecollinhain2016.blogspot.com

     -The first, earliest of these bringers of death I saw, 1994, was released from beneath the earth, I witness the earth open freely to it, and allow it, it's sway. Now I know of one Super Volcano that is beneath US soil, the earth and that is Yellowstone Super Volcano that can end America's way of life in hour, let alone one day. Whatever this grim reaper was,  it's to come from beneath the earth and it exploded with enough force, to crystalize the skies above which violently cracked and broke into huge jagged edges and soon to fall and crashed upon the earth, demolishing everything it's to then make contact.  It was such a national to international catastrophe, that in only an hour it set this nation, into westernized civilization back for 190 years, completely ending them. A subtraction of one year per it's 190 lbs. weight of blood guiltiness, Dec. 25, 2001, for 190 months, 2001-2017, see Eze. 4.
     -Still, another of my grand daughters, the one I saw lately walking down the street of Dunlap where I've also seen first, President Obama, and secondly, first lady, Obama walking as well, another as surety the world as mankind has known it has come to an end. That's doing one of Miya's conversations, she said something as to hurry the next year right along, as she said this, I said no, don't do that, 2017 will be the worse that this nation has ever seen. You see, we're looking at the fulfillment of the post rapture I've been living in these thirty years since last spring. As so the "week," prophecy in reference to the arrival of Daniel's final week, that will be a finale to the Intrepid Dream judgment, weight and sentence.
     -Believe this end time apostle, these are the reasons Jesus first lamented, repent or perish, and to religion having works instead of hearts of God, He forewarn, as God is not mocked, "ye must be born again." I feel I must say this, my proposed from the mid eighties Marriage Worshipers, to world refugees escape into the African Juttah was created and safeguarded by Holy Spirits, that there be no more transgressions, that transgressions against God wouldn't be permitted. The 2012 flick that sorely pirated this work made mockery of this, featuring rebellious man, going on at using the same failed, tactics, screws and bolts. It's like this constant pouring of new wine into old bottles and finding them without end or resolve, all broken.
     -The Wisdom of the Supreme Heavenly Father, that none be ignorant, taught us in the beginning except we resign to being the clay, allowing Him this Righteous Father, the Potter, those laboring with their own hand's, will, will find all their efforts vain, even as one reaching for the wind. King Solomon, made not only the wisest, but the richest of men, possibly that the wealth of this present world would listen to him, forewarn of this. All there is on this earth is to worship God, the flesh dies and return to dust, the spirit returns to God who gave it, the spirit that sin, as the prophet Ezekiel forewarn, will die, except it's been transformed into Jesus Christ, awake, be as aware as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM, read more blogs counting down to resurrection day here, www.2016jesusisthespiritofprophecy.blogspot.com and here, www.2016maaseiahadonai.blogspot.com

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