Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
In The Hebrew Hath His Name Hamath
Day Twenty-six, 09/13," of the "week," prophecy, 08/18, the countdown to Resurrection, Daniel final week of years, see
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus, if you are a Christian, ISIS wants to kill you. Our politicians keep telling us that our battle with ISIS is not a “religious war”, but to ISIS it most certainly is, by, Michael Synder/Infowars
We need to understand that ISIS is not necessarily looking to hit political or military targets. They are openly telling us that religious targets are now a priority, and they could literally strike anywhere in the entire country.
Thousands of American Christians have already been put on ISIS kill lists, and ISIS has already instructed their operatives to kill those that they can. The following comes from an excellent article by Bethany Blankley… According to a report recently made public, early this year, ISIS specifically identified 15,000 Christian Americans for death and instructed jihadists already in America to begin widespread murder.
The Kill List report comes in the wake of ISIS already publicly warning American and British Christians that “they were next.” British police last week publicly warned its 5.4 million Christians to be on alert and in some areas increased security.
And there have already been some very close calls. In fact, if the authorities had not intervened in time earlier this year, a church up in Michigan could have been the scene of the worst mass shooting in U.S. history…
In February, Khial Abu-Rayyan, 21, of Dearborn Heights, Mich., was arrested after he told an undercover FBI agent he was preparing to “shoot up” a major church near his home on behalf of ISIS. A month earlier, the Rev. Roger Spradlin of Valley Baptist Church – one of the biggest congregations in Bakersfield, Calif. – told attendees that they had received a threat written in Arabic. see more here,
Apostle's Note: The Chaldeans Are Coming, Jer. 37:8, 1998
Little when I, or those reading behind me, this confuse, that Holy spirits, by a panorama on my bed, over my head out or Jeremiah 37;8, was here warning of such relentless to beyond evil deeds enemies. Those coming as the slayers of God, Ezekiel saw summon by him and commanded to slay all those upon which hadn't been marked because of their blessed heart by he ink horn man. I shared just months past, about being taking onto or into a manner of census taking, of the marking or making ready of certain, was the Holy Spirit again, making them by their tears those sorely with compassion regarding all the evils of the transgressors and staying on their knees of intercessory prayer.
Now again marked not only for life, but the first resurrection where the second death no longer has power. Such the slayers, weren't to take any pity, but where to slain, old, young, all, again all upon which didn't have the mark, so another manner of pass-over, beware, be very aware, for the terrorist like he Chaldeans of Ezekiel's day will come, they will take these cities and they will burn them with fire, with Jesus alone this single savior, all dead in him, just as so ascended to him, awake, Apb, the RAM.
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb
Prophecy Links
-A Voice, "Give Me Twelve," 08/18/2016, as in twelve slayers, as is being described by the prophet Ezekiel, 9th chapters, hearing God, calling forth six slayers, now measuring 12, beware, Apb
-Seen to be seeing Islamic terrorist awarded diamond wedding rings for their deadly efforts against the West, 2003, also see Jer. 37:8, 1998
-Seen to be seeing a build up of torture vehicles for as far as the eyes could see, with a US general lamenting, don't be alarmed men, Mede is very dirty, 2003
-Seen to be awarded an 11:00 shopping lunch hour, all while military loved ones are hooked their navels with pulleys and torn into bits, this horrid, 2003
We Are The People Of Cross, Caught Into Heaven
People Of The Cross, you click on this selection, and the first you hear is, "home, we're heading home, we journey on to see our Savior face to face. Close, we're getting close, your spirit rise within us higher every day, forward, on to Jesus, we are the people of the cross, we 've chose Christ and count all else as lost, we won' be shaken, hope won't be taken, we are the people of the cross ......Jesus! we will be faithful if you meet us, give us your courage as we finish, we want to hear well done,
.....Jesus! We will be faithful till you meet us, give us your courage as we finish, we wanna hear well done,... we are the people of the cross, truly phenomena, you only know how wondrous the lyrics to this song, if you've been waiting in graves, on cursed lands, around broken to pieces laws and covenants, into sorely grieved Holy Spirits, for Jesus to finally come or you're to shoot like fire rockets into the heavenly bodies at joining Him. Marvin Sapp, another artist, has a song, it's lyrics which say "I never wouldn't made it without you," ok, yes, Hallelujah!
Only, I won't resign to singing such a song until I've crossed over the blessed threshold, bearing the banner, behold the Throne of God, and here is our eternal arrival. Then His, this Lord is lamenting, "well done my good and faithful servant, you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things, enter ye into my rest," His Kingdom Reign. Accordingly, God's ordain Righteousness from the foundation of the world, Have we failed? Yes, since the first Adam but so have we prevailed and overcome this world since the birth of the woman seed, the last Adam.
Jesus Christ entering into the Holies of Holies and making better sacrifices than by the blood of goats and bulls, but by His Own Blood have He made a flawless redemption for us. Then hath sat down at the right hand of the Father, until a fullness of time regarding His descending just timely enough to bring the bride up to Him, and in seven years, by the brightness of His coming, throw down the reigning footstool of His Enemies, got Him, got Jesus yet?
One Hour With The Beast
One Hour With The Beast, Rev 17:12, Aug. 25th, 2016, doing this specific hour, all the leaders involved here, will become possessed by the beast, this meeting will produce the end time ten heads mostly Islamic, the seven year peace accord with Israel's neighbor, the little horn and the false prophet, seen come out perdition 2008. The war on Israel, where two thirds of it will succumb to this end time despot, unto the battle of Armageddon, whereas after this truce, seven year duration, Jesus will in that day, a day neither light or dark, but in the evening it shall be day, Jesus will sat his feet upon the mount of Olivet, the very places Angels reassured early disciples would be the locale of His return. All of which will complete Daniels week, see Dan. 7, 8, 9th chapters. So to hear this Islamic leader complaining, even how he literally walked away having to wait for an hour to learn America's participation, you now understand why this exact space of time, as so this hour, is as important as the truce itself.
As I was dozing in sleep the night of August 18 when I both saw and heard the word "week," since a week is seven days, I started this day by day count down, only when I read this article, did I learn, this Syrian/Russia/US truce was made on this seventh day, 08/25. It was also around this time I heard a voice lament, "give me 12," immediately I thought about the twelve heirs of Israel, I'd been given as a word possibly 2012, I considered how Ismail, Abraham illegitimate son, also has twelve heirs, though it could be all of the above, even that 2016 is the 12th anniversary of the Angels Gabriel's reappearing, only when I read this article did I again get some ideal, the Syrian Truce was to begin September 12th, as in, "give me twelve days!"
I've shared how my grandson Caden, doing, when a similar truce was made earlier this year, come into the room, told me grandma, there's something in my parents room you need to see. How I rose from my seat, my labor in the Lord, thinking, wondering, what was the matter, a game he was playing, a movie he wanted me to watch with him, a bug he wanted me to kill? I get in here, I'm looking all around, up, down and I say, what? Then he, only seven years remember? This is the Caden, who when he was only three Holy Spirits described to me, how he, his generation, would grow in occupied territory, in an occupied America. He says there, and not only point at the TV, but into breaking news and what could be, yet another failed Syrian, with Russia allying truce and Caden turn and walk away.
This is the kind of divine intervention, and be possessed of Holy Spirits, Jesus was referring to, after disciple Peter knew Him exactly word for word, actually the Holy Spirit through Him, and Jesus knew exactly this is how his church would be known beyond millions of others, walking not according to the flesh but according to the spirit. Understand, this first Syrian truce was falling apart because all the players weren't yet involved, remember Russia and the US were at odds about Putin allying Syria. Not only so, the local of this one resolve, again most important, I got a strong word a year or more passed whereas I heard a voice lament, "don't touch Geneva."
Those who read behind me, that's hopefully they read behind me, well we've used this "week," prophecy, 08/18, as to count us down not only into the seven days that unknowingly produce this recent Geneva Truce. With blessed hope, into what we believe will count us into the final week of Daniel, this beyond imagining Week, also referred to as Jacob's Troubles as it's to be worse for them since Hitler's Germany. Actually a world army set against them, and by now their allies, Western Civilization totally obliterated by this time. So this week also mean, well, there is one major beyond comprehension event that has to proceed it, the Great Gathering of Saints, where the Bride has been pictured in heaven, with the holy spirit declaring, "the spirit and Bride saith come, no doubt the marriage supper.
You see, when Holy Spirits showed her lately, referred to in revelation as the Bride, not just reigning in heaven, but sitting in one of the highest position there. In possession of the stone cut out without hands fruition, which has the surface of a meteor, I read the other day, how one of these NEO's, even it's potential to be an ELE, whizzed right by our planet before specialist even knew it existed let alone that it would come so close, "asteroid destroy Wis-con-sin." Recklessly, mankind constantly persuade ourselves along what is now deemed a normalcy bias, if it hasn't happen, meaning it possibly won't. Do you know, according to Jesus' Revelation we're living in a post era of one apocalypse after another, yes happening to this earth and when it's all over, mammoth disasters.
Coupled with Jesus Ascension carving a new valley along Mt. Olivet territories, all of which will produce a new heaven and earth, with a New Jerusalem descending into it, and the last enemy of mankind that will destroyed, is death and dying. Only years prior and according to holy scripture, this gathering of world leaders, friend or foe, will be along a spirit of coercion of them handing over control of their countries after spending or being persuaded one hour with the beast. Ten of these heads, well, now with America, the West as a tail spin, sparrow downward, mean even Israel will as impossible as it may seem all these years, they too will resign to hand over all things. All to perform a better union with it's neighbor hence a seven year truce with an amalgamation of ten heads, one of which his name as Hamath.
Historically, Hamath, meaning fortress, is the principal city of upper Syria, Syria being the the root of these improbable feats. The Hamathites were a Hamitic race, and are included among the descendants of Canaan. (Genesis 10:18) Nothing appears of the power of Hamath until the time of David. (2 Samuel 8:9); in the Assyrian inscriptions of the time of Ahab (B.C. 900) Hamath appears as a separate power, in alliance with the Syrians of Damascus, the Hittites and the Phoenicians. Thus Israel seen in an allegiance with these as well historic people, even her neighbors at that, would more than fulfill Daniel's prophecies of Israel's descendants.
Here, making the last man induce accord with an unconceivable by them all voracious beast posing as a well reserved world leader. Herein in all likeness of scripture still, this highly questionable, even thought impossible peace initiative, Holy Spirits are unveiling to John Rev. 17:10-18, describing the fall of five, this one existing and the other, referencing these ten heads as one kingdom, which was to come, follow by a beast kingdom, making eight as an entire. Said accord, as Daniel, as so John equally saw, will falter three and a half years later, but only as the antichrist at this point make war on and defeat three of them. Seeming all on his mission as Satan's aid, to finish off, as in wipe out the Holy People purposing to end God's affiliation not only with them, but with mankind period. This allowance, of this world most lethal of enemies praise be to God, is as well three and a half years, then off into the lake which burns with fire and brimstone with him, them all.
Justly, is it prophesied, Ezekiel's 38, 39th chapters, how it will take seven months to rightly bury the dead of Magog, where special care is taken with every bone; as well, seven whole years it will take to rid the earth of it's vast armaments. All said, performed and written, since before the foundation of this world, whereas you hear an appearing Angel Gabriel, crying aloud, sparing not, "the fulfillment of all things is upon mankind," so sounded, saith the seventh Angel, Trumpet, awake, see more here,,
Ending Here, The Intrepid Adventure, The World Since Noah's Ark Is, Again Weighed And Judged,,
Simply, God turn from us, His Head away, His Throne as I've seen backed into massed assembly and immediately it all stops, I'm not talking about drip, drip drippy drop of the slowest of motions, all now this far reaching fantasy. I'm talking those flying, driving, walking, running, eating, dancing, those breathing, brought suddenly into this stretching halt of all things on this planet. Horridly beyond imaging from there is this fall, this unassailing descent, crash and burn, as to morphed city to city, nation to nation along a world wide inconceivable of anarchies and pandemonium activating the worse of catastrophes all around, up, down, underneath, even within as mankind are equally driven this lunatic to mayhem.
Not only have I seen this, and had such the unfathomable of events demonstrated upon me these thirty years, there are prophets of God who've been prophesying such a day for thousands of years, and no one but the God they've forsaken days without number can prevent human kind from it's complete extinction. Or is it perhaps He, Elohim already has? That it is that crying aloud all these thousands of years, even knocking profusely on the door of mass assembly mesmerized with celebrity, knock, knock it is your Christ, call a solemn assembly, repent or perish! There are those assigned by bible prophecy to come at this time, one description is that He, the Antichrist will kill millions, as millions go broke, as well is described another, most righteous judgment, the Wine Press of God.
It as well frightfully declares, how it will cause millions of lives, how it's measurement of avenging blood is to reach the horses' bridle, calculated properly, is said to be as a river of blood running for 175 miles of it. I know this countdown to Resurrection and Daniel's final week, that's weeks of years, it's seventieth, see Dan. 9, even that it end up on a repurposed post entitled 'Jesus is the spirit of prophecy,' all seem foolish. What isn't foolish and why it's fullness of time is celebrated, under the sounding of the seventh angel, the Saints John witness under God's Throne. How like those 21 Egyptian Coptic Christian males 2015, beheaded.
Beyond amazing, around the same moment, Holy Spirits by divine text messages, wanting even the greatest of technology attention, and I quote several of them saying this one miraculous thing, "Jesus is coming, Jesus is on his way here." Both heart breaking and miraculous they were crying, "how long O Lord, Holy and True, doeth thou not avenge our blood on the inhabitants of the earth?" John said, it was instead given unto them white robes, there is no question whether God will save you, help you, heal you, do all these manners of recues. Rip to pieces Holy Flesh and spill Righteous Blood and above, He by Christ' Cross already has.
Behold, this Blessed Lord above all, He stand at the door knocking inquiring of your acceptance or your rejection? Your will freed accordingly, it's all now left up to each individual you. The white here, the Bridegroom, said is for the Righteousness of the Saints, undoubtedly when Ken Peters, saw the righteous break, quake and rise out of their graves, and put on God's glory.
Seeming by his testimony, these specialty robes which were whites as in a glowing sequence of blinding sunlight, again as they were instantly glorified. The Saints under were then told to wait a little while longer, as in right this moment, until their other brethren, see more here, (www.persecutionblog), are as well martyred for their testimony of Christ, as they were. Such is what is happening regarding both the beauty and the terror of bearing one's cross for Christ.
An abrupt standstill, this is what happen prior to the intrepid dream auto disappearance into it's passage of time being ejected along an eerie weigh station,, everything suddenly quit, stopped, vanquished, excreta, excreta, excreta and nothing was again left of especially Western Civilization. Nothing that is after this cataclysmic stoppage or dead end but a weigh station, a weigh scale, a new era/Islamic Reign and a pale horse judgment, with other alike following. One thing I know by bible prophecy, mankind's nature and this Intrepid Dream, judgement, mankind as Jesus Himself forewarn, as the days of Noah, how like them, those presently sitting on the greatest or technology refuse to realize anything is the matter, until these floods of disasters, too, take them away, and after this, the great white throne, judgment, beware, additionally, Apb, see more here,
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus, if you are a Christian, ISIS wants to kill you. Our politicians keep telling us that our battle with ISIS is not a “religious war”, but to ISIS it most certainly is, by, Michael Synder/Infowars
We need to understand that ISIS is not necessarily looking to hit political or military targets. They are openly telling us that religious targets are now a priority, and they could literally strike anywhere in the entire country.
Thousands of American Christians have already been put on ISIS kill lists, and ISIS has already instructed their operatives to kill those that they can. The following comes from an excellent article by Bethany Blankley… According to a report recently made public, early this year, ISIS specifically identified 15,000 Christian Americans for death and instructed jihadists already in America to begin widespread murder.
The Kill List report comes in the wake of ISIS already publicly warning American and British Christians that “they were next.” British police last week publicly warned its 5.4 million Christians to be on alert and in some areas increased security.
And there have already been some very close calls. In fact, if the authorities had not intervened in time earlier this year, a church up in Michigan could have been the scene of the worst mass shooting in U.S. history…
In February, Khial Abu-Rayyan, 21, of Dearborn Heights, Mich., was arrested after he told an undercover FBI agent he was preparing to “shoot up” a major church near his home on behalf of ISIS. A month earlier, the Rev. Roger Spradlin of Valley Baptist Church – one of the biggest congregations in Bakersfield, Calif. – told attendees that they had received a threat written in Arabic. see more here,
Apostle's Note: The Chaldeans Are Coming, Jer. 37:8, 1998
Little when I, or those reading behind me, this confuse, that Holy spirits, by a panorama on my bed, over my head out or Jeremiah 37;8, was here warning of such relentless to beyond evil deeds enemies. Those coming as the slayers of God, Ezekiel saw summon by him and commanded to slay all those upon which hadn't been marked because of their blessed heart by he ink horn man. I shared just months past, about being taking onto or into a manner of census taking, of the marking or making ready of certain, was the Holy Spirit again, making them by their tears those sorely with compassion regarding all the evils of the transgressors and staying on their knees of intercessory prayer.
Now again marked not only for life, but the first resurrection where the second death no longer has power. Such the slayers, weren't to take any pity, but where to slain, old, young, all, again all upon which didn't have the mark, so another manner of pass-over, beware, be very aware, for the terrorist like he Chaldeans of Ezekiel's day will come, they will take these cities and they will burn them with fire, with Jesus alone this single savior, all dead in him, just as so ascended to him, awake, Apb, the RAM.
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb
Prophecy Links
-A Voice, "Give Me Twelve," 08/18/2016, as in twelve slayers, as is being described by the prophet Ezekiel, 9th chapters, hearing God, calling forth six slayers, now measuring 12, beware, Apb
-Seen to be seeing Islamic terrorist awarded diamond wedding rings for their deadly efforts against the West, 2003, also see Jer. 37:8, 1998
-Seen to be seeing a build up of torture vehicles for as far as the eyes could see, with a US general lamenting, don't be alarmed men, Mede is very dirty, 2003
-Seen to be awarded an 11:00 shopping lunch hour, all while military loved ones are hooked their navels with pulleys and torn into bits, this horrid, 2003
We Are The People Of Cross, Caught Into Heaven
People Of The Cross, you click on this selection, and the first you hear is, "home, we're heading home, we journey on to see our Savior face to face. Close, we're getting close, your spirit rise within us higher every day, forward, on to Jesus, we are the people of the cross, we 've chose Christ and count all else as lost, we won' be shaken, hope won't be taken, we are the people of the cross ......Jesus! we will be faithful if you meet us, give us your courage as we finish, we want to hear well done,
.....Jesus! We will be faithful till you meet us, give us your courage as we finish, we wanna hear well done,... we are the people of the cross, truly phenomena, you only know how wondrous the lyrics to this song, if you've been waiting in graves, on cursed lands, around broken to pieces laws and covenants, into sorely grieved Holy Spirits, for Jesus to finally come or you're to shoot like fire rockets into the heavenly bodies at joining Him. Marvin Sapp, another artist, has a song, it's lyrics which say "I never wouldn't made it without you," ok, yes, Hallelujah!
Only, I won't resign to singing such a song until I've crossed over the blessed threshold, bearing the banner, behold the Throne of God, and here is our eternal arrival. Then His, this Lord is lamenting, "well done my good and faithful servant, you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things, enter ye into my rest," His Kingdom Reign. Accordingly, God's ordain Righteousness from the foundation of the world, Have we failed? Yes, since the first Adam but so have we prevailed and overcome this world since the birth of the woman seed, the last Adam.
Jesus Christ entering into the Holies of Holies and making better sacrifices than by the blood of goats and bulls, but by His Own Blood have He made a flawless redemption for us. Then hath sat down at the right hand of the Father, until a fullness of time regarding His descending just timely enough to bring the bride up to Him, and in seven years, by the brightness of His coming, throw down the reigning footstool of His Enemies, got Him, got Jesus yet?
One Hour With The Beast
One Hour With The Beast, Rev 17:12, Aug. 25th, 2016, doing this specific hour, all the leaders involved here, will become possessed by the beast, this meeting will produce the end time ten heads mostly Islamic, the seven year peace accord with Israel's neighbor, the little horn and the false prophet, seen come out perdition 2008. The war on Israel, where two thirds of it will succumb to this end time despot, unto the battle of Armageddon, whereas after this truce, seven year duration, Jesus will in that day, a day neither light or dark, but in the evening it shall be day, Jesus will sat his feet upon the mount of Olivet, the very places Angels reassured early disciples would be the locale of His return. All of which will complete Daniels week, see Dan. 7, 8, 9th chapters. So to hear this Islamic leader complaining, even how he literally walked away having to wait for an hour to learn America's participation, you now understand why this exact space of time, as so this hour, is as important as the truce itself.
As I was dozing in sleep the night of August 18 when I both saw and heard the word "week," since a week is seven days, I started this day by day count down, only when I read this article, did I learn, this Syrian/Russia/US truce was made on this seventh day, 08/25. It was also around this time I heard a voice lament, "give me 12," immediately I thought about the twelve heirs of Israel, I'd been given as a word possibly 2012, I considered how Ismail, Abraham illegitimate son, also has twelve heirs, though it could be all of the above, even that 2016 is the 12th anniversary of the Angels Gabriel's reappearing, only when I read this article did I again get some ideal, the Syrian Truce was to begin September 12th, as in, "give me twelve days!"
I've shared how my grandson Caden, doing, when a similar truce was made earlier this year, come into the room, told me grandma, there's something in my parents room you need to see. How I rose from my seat, my labor in the Lord, thinking, wondering, what was the matter, a game he was playing, a movie he wanted me to watch with him, a bug he wanted me to kill? I get in here, I'm looking all around, up, down and I say, what? Then he, only seven years remember? This is the Caden, who when he was only three Holy Spirits described to me, how he, his generation, would grow in occupied territory, in an occupied America. He says there, and not only point at the TV, but into breaking news and what could be, yet another failed Syrian, with Russia allying truce and Caden turn and walk away.
This is the kind of divine intervention, and be possessed of Holy Spirits, Jesus was referring to, after disciple Peter knew Him exactly word for word, actually the Holy Spirit through Him, and Jesus knew exactly this is how his church would be known beyond millions of others, walking not according to the flesh but according to the spirit. Understand, this first Syrian truce was falling apart because all the players weren't yet involved, remember Russia and the US were at odds about Putin allying Syria. Not only so, the local of this one resolve, again most important, I got a strong word a year or more passed whereas I heard a voice lament, "don't touch Geneva."
Those who read behind me, that's hopefully they read behind me, well we've used this "week," prophecy, 08/18, as to count us down not only into the seven days that unknowingly produce this recent Geneva Truce. With blessed hope, into what we believe will count us into the final week of Daniel, this beyond imagining Week, also referred to as Jacob's Troubles as it's to be worse for them since Hitler's Germany. Actually a world army set against them, and by now their allies, Western Civilization totally obliterated by this time. So this week also mean, well, there is one major beyond comprehension event that has to proceed it, the Great Gathering of Saints, where the Bride has been pictured in heaven, with the holy spirit declaring, "the spirit and Bride saith come, no doubt the marriage supper.
You see, when Holy Spirits showed her lately, referred to in revelation as the Bride, not just reigning in heaven, but sitting in one of the highest position there. In possession of the stone cut out without hands fruition, which has the surface of a meteor, I read the other day, how one of these NEO's, even it's potential to be an ELE, whizzed right by our planet before specialist even knew it existed let alone that it would come so close, "asteroid destroy Wis-con-sin." Recklessly, mankind constantly persuade ourselves along what is now deemed a normalcy bias, if it hasn't happen, meaning it possibly won't. Do you know, according to Jesus' Revelation we're living in a post era of one apocalypse after another, yes happening to this earth and when it's all over, mammoth disasters.
Coupled with Jesus Ascension carving a new valley along Mt. Olivet territories, all of which will produce a new heaven and earth, with a New Jerusalem descending into it, and the last enemy of mankind that will destroyed, is death and dying. Only years prior and according to holy scripture, this gathering of world leaders, friend or foe, will be along a spirit of coercion of them handing over control of their countries after spending or being persuaded one hour with the beast. Ten of these heads, well, now with America, the West as a tail spin, sparrow downward, mean even Israel will as impossible as it may seem all these years, they too will resign to hand over all things. All to perform a better union with it's neighbor hence a seven year truce with an amalgamation of ten heads, one of which his name as Hamath.
Historically, Hamath, meaning fortress, is the principal city of upper Syria, Syria being the the root of these improbable feats. The Hamathites were a Hamitic race, and are included among the descendants of Canaan. (Genesis 10:18) Nothing appears of the power of Hamath until the time of David. (2 Samuel 8:9); in the Assyrian inscriptions of the time of Ahab (B.C. 900) Hamath appears as a separate power, in alliance with the Syrians of Damascus, the Hittites and the Phoenicians. Thus Israel seen in an allegiance with these as well historic people, even her neighbors at that, would more than fulfill Daniel's prophecies of Israel's descendants.
Here, making the last man induce accord with an unconceivable by them all voracious beast posing as a well reserved world leader. Herein in all likeness of scripture still, this highly questionable, even thought impossible peace initiative, Holy Spirits are unveiling to John Rev. 17:10-18, describing the fall of five, this one existing and the other, referencing these ten heads as one kingdom, which was to come, follow by a beast kingdom, making eight as an entire. Said accord, as Daniel, as so John equally saw, will falter three and a half years later, but only as the antichrist at this point make war on and defeat three of them. Seeming all on his mission as Satan's aid, to finish off, as in wipe out the Holy People purposing to end God's affiliation not only with them, but with mankind period. This allowance, of this world most lethal of enemies praise be to God, is as well three and a half years, then off into the lake which burns with fire and brimstone with him, them all.
Justly, is it prophesied, Ezekiel's 38, 39th chapters, how it will take seven months to rightly bury the dead of Magog, where special care is taken with every bone; as well, seven whole years it will take to rid the earth of it's vast armaments. All said, performed and written, since before the foundation of this world, whereas you hear an appearing Angel Gabriel, crying aloud, sparing not, "the fulfillment of all things is upon mankind," so sounded, saith the seventh Angel, Trumpet, awake, see more here,,
Ending Here, The Intrepid Adventure, The World Since Noah's Ark Is, Again Weighed And Judged,,
Simply, God turn from us, His Head away, His Throne as I've seen backed into massed assembly and immediately it all stops, I'm not talking about drip, drip drippy drop of the slowest of motions, all now this far reaching fantasy. I'm talking those flying, driving, walking, running, eating, dancing, those breathing, brought suddenly into this stretching halt of all things on this planet. Horridly beyond imaging from there is this fall, this unassailing descent, crash and burn, as to morphed city to city, nation to nation along a world wide inconceivable of anarchies and pandemonium activating the worse of catastrophes all around, up, down, underneath, even within as mankind are equally driven this lunatic to mayhem.
Not only have I seen this, and had such the unfathomable of events demonstrated upon me these thirty years, there are prophets of God who've been prophesying such a day for thousands of years, and no one but the God they've forsaken days without number can prevent human kind from it's complete extinction. Or is it perhaps He, Elohim already has? That it is that crying aloud all these thousands of years, even knocking profusely on the door of mass assembly mesmerized with celebrity, knock, knock it is your Christ, call a solemn assembly, repent or perish! There are those assigned by bible prophecy to come at this time, one description is that He, the Antichrist will kill millions, as millions go broke, as well is described another, most righteous judgment, the Wine Press of God.
It as well frightfully declares, how it will cause millions of lives, how it's measurement of avenging blood is to reach the horses' bridle, calculated properly, is said to be as a river of blood running for 175 miles of it. I know this countdown to Resurrection and Daniel's final week, that's weeks of years, it's seventieth, see Dan. 9, even that it end up on a repurposed post entitled 'Jesus is the spirit of prophecy,' all seem foolish. What isn't foolish and why it's fullness of time is celebrated, under the sounding of the seventh angel, the Saints John witness under God's Throne. How like those 21 Egyptian Coptic Christian males 2015, beheaded.
Beyond amazing, around the same moment, Holy Spirits by divine text messages, wanting even the greatest of technology attention, and I quote several of them saying this one miraculous thing, "Jesus is coming, Jesus is on his way here." Both heart breaking and miraculous they were crying, "how long O Lord, Holy and True, doeth thou not avenge our blood on the inhabitants of the earth?" John said, it was instead given unto them white robes, there is no question whether God will save you, help you, heal you, do all these manners of recues. Rip to pieces Holy Flesh and spill Righteous Blood and above, He by Christ' Cross already has.
Behold, this Blessed Lord above all, He stand at the door knocking inquiring of your acceptance or your rejection? Your will freed accordingly, it's all now left up to each individual you. The white here, the Bridegroom, said is for the Righteousness of the Saints, undoubtedly when Ken Peters, saw the righteous break, quake and rise out of their graves, and put on God's glory.
Seeming by his testimony, these specialty robes which were whites as in a glowing sequence of blinding sunlight, again as they were instantly glorified. The Saints under were then told to wait a little while longer, as in right this moment, until their other brethren, see more here, (www.persecutionblog), are as well martyred for their testimony of Christ, as they were. Such is what is happening regarding both the beauty and the terror of bearing one's cross for Christ.
An abrupt standstill, this is what happen prior to the intrepid dream auto disappearance into it's passage of time being ejected along an eerie weigh station,, everything suddenly quit, stopped, vanquished, excreta, excreta, excreta and nothing was again left of especially Western Civilization. Nothing that is after this cataclysmic stoppage or dead end but a weigh station, a weigh scale, a new era/Islamic Reign and a pale horse judgment, with other alike following. One thing I know by bible prophecy, mankind's nature and this Intrepid Dream, judgement, mankind as Jesus Himself forewarn, as the days of Noah, how like them, those presently sitting on the greatest or technology refuse to realize anything is the matter, until these floods of disasters, too, take them away, and after this, the great white throne, judgment, beware, additionally, Apb, see more here,
Monday, September 12, 2016
"Don't Touch Geneva!"
Day Twenty-five, 09/12," of the "week," prophecy, 08/18, the countdown to Resurrection, Daniel final week of years, see
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus, if you are a Christian, ISIS wants to kill you. Our politicians keep telling us that our battle with ISIS is not a “religious war”, but to ISIS it most certainly is, by, Michael Synder/Infowars
We need to understand that ISIS is not necessarily looking to hit political or military targets. They are openly telling us that religious targets are now a priority, and they could literally strike anywhere in the entire country.
Thousands of American Christians have already been put on ISIS kill lists, and ISIS has already instructed their operatives to kill those that they can. The following comes from an excellent article by Bethany Blankley… According to a report recently made public, early this year, ISIS specifically identified 15,000 Christian Americans for death and instructed jihadists already in America to begin widespread murder.
The Kill List report comes in the wake of ISIS already publicly warning American and British Christians that “they were next.” British police last week publicly warned its 5.4 million Christians to be on alert and in some areas increased security.
And there have already been some very close calls. In fact, if the authorities had not intervened in time earlier this year, a church up in Michigan could have been the scene of the worst mass shooting in U.S. history…
In February, Khial Abu-Rayyan, 21, of Dearborn Heights, Mich., was arrested after he told an undercover FBI agent he was preparing to “shoot up” a major church near his home on behalf of ISIS. A month earlier, the Rev. Roger Spradlin of Valley Baptist Church – one of the biggest congregations in Bakersfield, Calif. – told attendees that they had received a threat written in Arabic. see more here,
Apostle's Note: The Chaldeans Are Coming, Jer. 37:8, 1998
Little when I, or those reading behind me, this confused, that Holy Spirits, by a panorama on my bed, over my head out of Jeremiah 37;8, was here warning of such relentless to beyond evil deeds, regarding enemies. Those coming as the slayers of God, Ezekiel saw summon by Him and commanded to slay all those upon which hadn't been marked, that's instead marked because of their blessed heart by the ink horn man, said to be an incarnate Christ. I shared just months past, about being taking onto or into a manner of census taking, of the marking or making ready of certain persons.
Questionably, was the Holy Spirit again making them by their tears, those sorely with compassion regarding all the evils of the transgressors; the staying on their knees of intercessory prayer? Now again marked not only for life, but the First Resurrection where the second death no longer has power. Such the slayers, weren't to take any pity, but were to slay, old, young, all, again all upon which didn't have the mark. So another manner of pass over of the blood of the Lamb, beware. Be very aware, for terrorist like the Chaldeans of Ezekiel's day will come, they will take these cities and they will burn them with fire; with Jesus alone this single Savior, all dead in him, just as so ascended to Him, awake, Apb, the RAM.
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb
Prophecy Links
-A Voice, "Give Me Twelve," 08/18/2016, as in twelve slayers, as is being described by the prophet Ezekiel, 9th chapters, hearing God, calling forth six slayers, now measuring 12, beware, Apb
-Seen to be seeing Islamic terrorist awarded diamond wedding rings for their deadly efforts against the West, 2003, also see Jer. 37:8, 1998
-Seen to be seeing a build up of torture vehicles for as far as the eyes could see, with a US general lamenting, don't be alarmed men, Mede is very dirty, 2003
-Seen to be awarded an 11:00 shopping lunch hour, all while military loved ones are hooked their navels with pulleys and torn into bits, this horrid, 2003
My Life Is In Your Hand, SACRIFICE, DIE!
The Song, lyrics, "I know that I can make it, I know that I can stand," playing in my head on and on, about twelve hours now, unlike the other songs. Those I've shared here I'd not chosen it. It instead chose me, I had to do research so I'll know it's performer, 'My Life Is In Your Hand,' by Kirk Franklin. Indisputably, immediately I'm again sitting with husband Mack 2011, 2012, on what kids today would call this killer deck, it's stunning. When I have a Peter moment, and I say to him, soon the responsibility of outreaching Christ will past to the Tribulation Saints for we, the Bride will soon be out of here.
Something similar happen, like a year or so prior, we're headed to a Christmas Party, don't remember the proceeding conversation, but I responded by saying, yeah, that's because we should've been gone, Jesus should've taken us out a while ago, we're actually living on the fumes of bible prophecy. Just as soon I was fiddling around my kitchen when Holy Spirit just of the heavens yonder, lamented, and I quote, "soon the church bride could be in heaven, looking down upon and praying for the Tribulation Saints, as the antichrist is given power to overcome them, Rev. 13. When I say they know who you are, the tribulation saints, those having great works of Christ, but hearts of sin, sadly but true, they do, they know who you are.
So much so, not only in the last few days was I brought to participate in a divine form of census taking, Saints being Marked for Jesus, so physically overwhelming. There was yet this marvel I'm to share, I wake from sleep, sit up in my bed, with the lyrics, "we exalt thee," playing relentlessly in my head, and just as so brought to my memory. I was just taking part of a ceremony in heaven whereas titles, as in a divine roll call were names being summoned right out of the book of life. So every time said reveal would miraculously rise out of these ancient pages, fitter and float all around us, then up and off into heavenly spaces/places, a million of times I say hallelujah!
So you see I know, these lyrics, are not referencing the Bride, because the Bride has been living in a post Rapture mode here lately since the Christ of Resurrection alike appearance spring (abib, April), 1986, healing wings and all, three times commissioning us to come. All to look upon Him was to look upon a Holy God Himself, why the first of 2015 I witness the Bride, not only reigning in heaven, she was in possession of the Stone Cut Out Without Hands, when she released it, I heard a voice lament and I qoute, "this is the antichrist murderer."
John saw them along a reveal, I'm being shown them according to their long awaited fulfillment. I explained years past, how Daniel was told to conceal, John was told to reveal and now the church age ending, it's Righteous Bride found worhy of Christ to ascend is being told to fulfill. No doubt this is where a once weeping John looked and saw a number, that no man could number, of every nation, kingdom, tongue, tribe and people come out of great tribulation, the Bride possibly taken three and a half years earlier, having their robes washed and made white by the blood of the Lamb.
Once John experienced the voice like a trumpet saying come up hither, these revelations no longer showed him a Bride that was yet upon the earth but sitting in both heir, rank and assignment as the twenty four elders. Doing the demonstration of the Brides resurrection, thirty years last spring, Holy Spirits just simply showed me those left behind, as a sitting church, now they were more phenomena than anything, so much so, I warn Elohim this serious, and I quote, "be careful Father, lest they will take your heart." There has only been One, and when He asked of His disciples, "who do men say I am? Peter by the anointing of Holy Spirits proclaimed, "thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God," and upon this rock of salvation, Jesus has build his church, and the rebellious this alternate, this cursed.
Right now as I write, there is being staged a walk-a-thon to save chidlren from cancer, I said, lets walk, march, run, fast, pray to bring Jesus back to planet earth and all sickness, death and dying is suspended for a thousand years until the great white judgment, then God's Kingdom is forever come, and the last enemy that's to be destroyed is death. This is why Jesus, the most humble of Human Beings yet described of Himself, of being the way, truth and the way, that no man could get to the Father except by Him. He is our blood sacrifice, our redemptive salvation, the God of Heaven.
It doesn't matter who you are, how rich, poor, how much good you have done, God only answers us, only again, see, hear or commune with us, by this One Name given under heaven, let everything that hath breath praise His Name, or the rocks themselves will do this for us, cry aloud without ceasing, blessed is He who come in the Name of the Lord, blessed is Jesus. Just as I'm all through the house, picking up behind the grands rushing off to schools, 4 of them, I'm singing behind Talsha Cobb, 'for your glory,' and the lysics, 'I wanna be where you are."
This is a new song for me, suddenly I remember, 2013, fasting 21 days, on a visit to heaven, making ready to return, when the Heavenly Host shockingly told me the same thing, how they want to be where I am, where we are. Ah my God is Christ, this is that moment when Jesus looked toward the heavens, even knowing His time of crucifixion, now the Brides Resurrection, and He admonishes Holy Father to be glorified by His Faithfulness and Elohim responded where all could hear Him, admittedly or not, "I have glorified him and I will glorify Him."
Herein, when your prayers constantly turn to worship, to the point you can't help yourself, because Jesus and living rooted and grounded in His truth and grac is the answer to all things, now this given over to Holy Spirits, then you know not only are you heads over hills in love with God unto this laborer all His people. God having created one man, both male and female, both husband and wife, right into the woman seed, don't be deceived, now those believers, are those now ascended to Jesus, it is He who love us a million times more.
Five Are Fallen, And One Is, Seen Islamic Reign, Ten Heads
People Of The Cross, We're Heading Home
Any time there is the slightiest hint of any form of cease fires to truce in the middle east, even Israeli territory, see here, we, the saints will take it, as such bring us closer and even closer to the fulfillment of the church age, the resurrection, all bringing us into the celebration of the marriage supper, we're home at long last.
I couldn't help noticing how said newest truce was finalized, even an hour after awaiting America, the beast agreement, exactly one week, after the "week," prophecy, 08/18. Where as well I heard a voice lament, "give me 12," with this truce set to start, September 12th, not even I, an appointed Apostle since 1986 can make up such unpronounced things, hallelujah to the Lamb right now and forever.
Though taking both the visual and audible "week," prophecy since 08/18 and using it to count us into both resurrection and Daniels week is as well expert, this genius. This stage in biblical prophecy, Gabriel declared the fulfillment of all things, clearly there is only one direction this newest truce and other such the like can bring us, Daniel final week of all mankind's reign since the first Adam.
Now you know how extraordinary was it that a seven year old Caden, with invasions and occupied territories American soil pending since 2011, how Holy Spirits used him earlier this year to bring me into heightened attention, breaking news of compromised truces regarding not just Syria, but Russia allying. Meaning there's something about these pending ceasefires more urgent than any previous, even that this recent one was finalized in Geneva Switzerland, here remembering the word, the command years past. "don't touch Geneva," (no doubt this warning, included Syria's Assad), well I guess now we know why.
And When He Come, He Shall Remain Only A Short Time
The Antichrist will go under several names, the little horn, (Dan. Chpts. 7, 8); The Prince That Shall Come, (Dan. Chpts. 9); The King Of The North, (Dan. Chpt. 11); The Man Of Sin, (II Thess. Chpt. 2); The Son of perdiction (II Thess. Chpt. 2); That wicked, (II Thess. Chpt. 2); The King of Babylon, (Isa. Chpts. 13, 14); The Assyrian (Mic. chpt. 5); The Antichrist (I Jn. Chpt. 2); The Beast, (Rev. Chpt. 13).
At this post, 100 dead in Syria, a bombing a day prior to the truce, evil warriors waring against this peace-pact all the more verify Holy Angels, warning of great sorrows for those upon the earth as Satan is come down to us, to a made oblivious mankind. As seen here, surrounding this newsest cease fure, Syrian Territories you must rememeber, any fulfillment of bible prophecy completely defeats the Antichrist and bring Satan closer to his one thousand year of imprisonment. So by allying the Antichrist he's trying to most of all since the fall of the first Adam prevent his own damnation, how even he, himself, will by God be thrown into a lake which burns with fire. Readily, here is seen Satan's greatest of all time efforts to prevent Daniel's week, it is again proof of where end times events for so long has now landed us.
It is here also you can see the authenic jihad, the various mutinys and wars in heaven, these ultimate evils, trying to decimate all things Holy Spirit and Holy Spirits bringing to past so extraordinarily every word Elohim Himself, said. He having by the woman's seed, womb, put on flesh, and endured a Cross, for the Adam that once was lost and like Christ in the garden overcoming His greatest trials, God's will, will, is being done, again Hallelujah I say! I want you to just imagine Jesus appearing to inquiries disciples, reassuring them not one tittle of God's word will return to Him, even if heaven and earth fail, God's word will prevail. Heretofore, the seventh angel declares, as Jesus is the spirit of prophecy, meaning when He lamented from the Cross, "it is finished," this included all spoken prophecy, past, present and future, as in right this moment!
When Russia first come to aid Syria's Assad, I admit having his own agenda, I immediately viewed his alligence through the scope of years of preminition as the finale to the fork in the road, of a maze of proposed passage ways that would finally get us to the truce of all truces, the cease fire and week of years of all of them, Daniel's Seventieth Week. So do you think it repeneth God, doing Noah's day, whereas He's been long suffering toward all mankind since; truly not willing that any perish. Appointing Holy Angels all around, redeeming, healing and casting the chastiment of mankind peace upon a rugged cross, named Jesus, this becoming flesh of His Own Self, here enduring for them, now made Heir with Him.
Only doing Noah's day of such the like rebellion, was that it repented God's heart, that He'd created man, because He knew it wouldn't be for 6000 years unto a Millennium of the Woman Seed. Until then, mankind by his disobedience would suffer in ways and by ways inconceivable? When to look and see this build up of torture vehicles, namely dirty Mede, even years before shown the swallow of the Great Whore of religion, John is to see sitting on many waters. This horrid one whose field of slaughter just went on and on without stopping, only still, she was, with another, a greater to come, who is come, 2008. I further witness him, awarding his most trusted, even demonic army, diamond wedding rings as to all the more celebrate their monstrous efforts against westerners, thought to be Christian, happening all the more right now..
I as John the revelator doing the reveal, saw these two beast rise now doing the fulfillment, one from land and one from sea, and soon a man by the name of Hussein Obama took the Whitehouse, this world's first Islamic lead. This is why when you read the original article, how this recent truce was agreed upon by nations leaders meeting in Geneva Switzerland, now you may ask how is this important? Mostly, you see while all other kingdom nations were failing and falling as now, especially their economies, I instead heard a mighty voice, lament, and I quote "don't touch Geneva!" This is why Apostle said, world leaders are who they are, where they are, they're doing what it is they're suppose to be doing, regularly at these end times, as they're all men of perdition.
The two beast I saw rise, is to possess two of them calipulting them into the final, most lethal to exterminate humankind, the end time Anti Christ and false prophet, just this catastrophe upon the world over, why Jesus use these terrifying times as punishment toward those refusing to repentant. Even that said of an Islamic Leader regretted sentiment how they had to await America, even Obama's administration, response for an hour. As I just shared, this too is the fulfillment of bible prophecy, and possibly why Senator Obama, after being revealed as "the one." You see, certain leaders are moved into particular positions after they sit and commune with the beast, something Obama has been called since day one, soon leading to the ten heads of Daniel, see Chpts. 7-8. Indeed said of him, 2008, how we're to highly regard his itinerary, for an hour with the beast changes all things man for all eternity, see Rev. 17, Jesus is the spirit of prophecy, awake, be aware as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM, see also
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus, if you are a Christian, ISIS wants to kill you. Our politicians keep telling us that our battle with ISIS is not a “religious war”, but to ISIS it most certainly is, by, Michael Synder/Infowars
We need to understand that ISIS is not necessarily looking to hit political or military targets. They are openly telling us that religious targets are now a priority, and they could literally strike anywhere in the entire country.
Thousands of American Christians have already been put on ISIS kill lists, and ISIS has already instructed their operatives to kill those that they can. The following comes from an excellent article by Bethany Blankley… According to a report recently made public, early this year, ISIS specifically identified 15,000 Christian Americans for death and instructed jihadists already in America to begin widespread murder.
The Kill List report comes in the wake of ISIS already publicly warning American and British Christians that “they were next.” British police last week publicly warned its 5.4 million Christians to be on alert and in some areas increased security.
And there have already been some very close calls. In fact, if the authorities had not intervened in time earlier this year, a church up in Michigan could have been the scene of the worst mass shooting in U.S. history…
In February, Khial Abu-Rayyan, 21, of Dearborn Heights, Mich., was arrested after he told an undercover FBI agent he was preparing to “shoot up” a major church near his home on behalf of ISIS. A month earlier, the Rev. Roger Spradlin of Valley Baptist Church – one of the biggest congregations in Bakersfield, Calif. – told attendees that they had received a threat written in Arabic. see more here,
Apostle's Note: The Chaldeans Are Coming, Jer. 37:8, 1998
Little when I, or those reading behind me, this confused, that Holy Spirits, by a panorama on my bed, over my head out of Jeremiah 37;8, was here warning of such relentless to beyond evil deeds, regarding enemies. Those coming as the slayers of God, Ezekiel saw summon by Him and commanded to slay all those upon which hadn't been marked, that's instead marked because of their blessed heart by the ink horn man, said to be an incarnate Christ. I shared just months past, about being taking onto or into a manner of census taking, of the marking or making ready of certain persons.
Questionably, was the Holy Spirit again making them by their tears, those sorely with compassion regarding all the evils of the transgressors; the staying on their knees of intercessory prayer? Now again marked not only for life, but the First Resurrection where the second death no longer has power. Such the slayers, weren't to take any pity, but were to slay, old, young, all, again all upon which didn't have the mark. So another manner of pass over of the blood of the Lamb, beware. Be very aware, for terrorist like the Chaldeans of Ezekiel's day will come, they will take these cities and they will burn them with fire; with Jesus alone this single Savior, all dead in him, just as so ascended to Him, awake, Apb, the RAM.
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb
Prophecy Links
-A Voice, "Give Me Twelve," 08/18/2016, as in twelve slayers, as is being described by the prophet Ezekiel, 9th chapters, hearing God, calling forth six slayers, now measuring 12, beware, Apb
-Seen to be seeing Islamic terrorist awarded diamond wedding rings for their deadly efforts against the West, 2003, also see Jer. 37:8, 1998
-Seen to be seeing a build up of torture vehicles for as far as the eyes could see, with a US general lamenting, don't be alarmed men, Mede is very dirty, 2003
-Seen to be awarded an 11:00 shopping lunch hour, all while military loved ones are hooked their navels with pulleys and torn into bits, this horrid, 2003
My Life Is In Your Hand, SACRIFICE, DIE!
The Song, lyrics, "I know that I can make it, I know that I can stand," playing in my head on and on, about twelve hours now, unlike the other songs. Those I've shared here I'd not chosen it. It instead chose me, I had to do research so I'll know it's performer, 'My Life Is In Your Hand,' by Kirk Franklin. Indisputably, immediately I'm again sitting with husband Mack 2011, 2012, on what kids today would call this killer deck, it's stunning. When I have a Peter moment, and I say to him, soon the responsibility of outreaching Christ will past to the Tribulation Saints for we, the Bride will soon be out of here.
Something similar happen, like a year or so prior, we're headed to a Christmas Party, don't remember the proceeding conversation, but I responded by saying, yeah, that's because we should've been gone, Jesus should've taken us out a while ago, we're actually living on the fumes of bible prophecy. Just as soon I was fiddling around my kitchen when Holy Spirit just of the heavens yonder, lamented, and I quote, "soon the church bride could be in heaven, looking down upon and praying for the Tribulation Saints, as the antichrist is given power to overcome them, Rev. 13. When I say they know who you are, the tribulation saints, those having great works of Christ, but hearts of sin, sadly but true, they do, they know who you are.
So much so, not only in the last few days was I brought to participate in a divine form of census taking, Saints being Marked for Jesus, so physically overwhelming. There was yet this marvel I'm to share, I wake from sleep, sit up in my bed, with the lyrics, "we exalt thee," playing relentlessly in my head, and just as so brought to my memory. I was just taking part of a ceremony in heaven whereas titles, as in a divine roll call were names being summoned right out of the book of life. So every time said reveal would miraculously rise out of these ancient pages, fitter and float all around us, then up and off into heavenly spaces/places, a million of times I say hallelujah!
So you see I know, these lyrics, are not referencing the Bride, because the Bride has been living in a post Rapture mode here lately since the Christ of Resurrection alike appearance spring (abib, April), 1986, healing wings and all, three times commissioning us to come. All to look upon Him was to look upon a Holy God Himself, why the first of 2015 I witness the Bride, not only reigning in heaven, she was in possession of the Stone Cut Out Without Hands, when she released it, I heard a voice lament and I qoute, "this is the antichrist murderer."
John saw them along a reveal, I'm being shown them according to their long awaited fulfillment. I explained years past, how Daniel was told to conceal, John was told to reveal and now the church age ending, it's Righteous Bride found worhy of Christ to ascend is being told to fulfill. No doubt this is where a once weeping John looked and saw a number, that no man could number, of every nation, kingdom, tongue, tribe and people come out of great tribulation, the Bride possibly taken three and a half years earlier, having their robes washed and made white by the blood of the Lamb.
Once John experienced the voice like a trumpet saying come up hither, these revelations no longer showed him a Bride that was yet upon the earth but sitting in both heir, rank and assignment as the twenty four elders. Doing the demonstration of the Brides resurrection, thirty years last spring, Holy Spirits just simply showed me those left behind, as a sitting church, now they were more phenomena than anything, so much so, I warn Elohim this serious, and I quote, "be careful Father, lest they will take your heart." There has only been One, and when He asked of His disciples, "who do men say I am? Peter by the anointing of Holy Spirits proclaimed, "thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God," and upon this rock of salvation, Jesus has build his church, and the rebellious this alternate, this cursed.
Right now as I write, there is being staged a walk-a-thon to save chidlren from cancer, I said, lets walk, march, run, fast, pray to bring Jesus back to planet earth and all sickness, death and dying is suspended for a thousand years until the great white judgment, then God's Kingdom is forever come, and the last enemy that's to be destroyed is death. This is why Jesus, the most humble of Human Beings yet described of Himself, of being the way, truth and the way, that no man could get to the Father except by Him. He is our blood sacrifice, our redemptive salvation, the God of Heaven.
It doesn't matter who you are, how rich, poor, how much good you have done, God only answers us, only again, see, hear or commune with us, by this One Name given under heaven, let everything that hath breath praise His Name, or the rocks themselves will do this for us, cry aloud without ceasing, blessed is He who come in the Name of the Lord, blessed is Jesus. Just as I'm all through the house, picking up behind the grands rushing off to schools, 4 of them, I'm singing behind Talsha Cobb, 'for your glory,' and the lysics, 'I wanna be where you are."
This is a new song for me, suddenly I remember, 2013, fasting 21 days, on a visit to heaven, making ready to return, when the Heavenly Host shockingly told me the same thing, how they want to be where I am, where we are. Ah my God is Christ, this is that moment when Jesus looked toward the heavens, even knowing His time of crucifixion, now the Brides Resurrection, and He admonishes Holy Father to be glorified by His Faithfulness and Elohim responded where all could hear Him, admittedly or not, "I have glorified him and I will glorify Him."
Herein, when your prayers constantly turn to worship, to the point you can't help yourself, because Jesus and living rooted and grounded in His truth and grac is the answer to all things, now this given over to Holy Spirits, then you know not only are you heads over hills in love with God unto this laborer all His people. God having created one man, both male and female, both husband and wife, right into the woman seed, don't be deceived, now those believers, are those now ascended to Jesus, it is He who love us a million times more.
Five Are Fallen, And One Is, Seen Islamic Reign, Ten Heads
People Of The Cross, We're Heading Home
Any time there is the slightiest hint of any form of cease fires to truce in the middle east, even Israeli territory, see here, we, the saints will take it, as such bring us closer and even closer to the fulfillment of the church age, the resurrection, all bringing us into the celebration of the marriage supper, we're home at long last.
I couldn't help noticing how said newest truce was finalized, even an hour after awaiting America, the beast agreement, exactly one week, after the "week," prophecy, 08/18. Where as well I heard a voice lament, "give me 12," with this truce set to start, September 12th, not even I, an appointed Apostle since 1986 can make up such unpronounced things, hallelujah to the Lamb right now and forever.
Though taking both the visual and audible "week," prophecy since 08/18 and using it to count us into both resurrection and Daniels week is as well expert, this genius. This stage in biblical prophecy, Gabriel declared the fulfillment of all things, clearly there is only one direction this newest truce and other such the like can bring us, Daniel final week of all mankind's reign since the first Adam.
Now you know how extraordinary was it that a seven year old Caden, with invasions and occupied territories American soil pending since 2011, how Holy Spirits used him earlier this year to bring me into heightened attention, breaking news of compromised truces regarding not just Syria, but Russia allying. Meaning there's something about these pending ceasefires more urgent than any previous, even that this recent one was finalized in Geneva Switzerland, here remembering the word, the command years past. "don't touch Geneva," (no doubt this warning, included Syria's Assad), well I guess now we know why.
And When He Come, He Shall Remain Only A Short Time
The Antichrist will go under several names, the little horn, (Dan. Chpts. 7, 8); The Prince That Shall Come, (Dan. Chpts. 9); The King Of The North, (Dan. Chpt. 11); The Man Of Sin, (II Thess. Chpt. 2); The Son of perdiction (II Thess. Chpt. 2); That wicked, (II Thess. Chpt. 2); The King of Babylon, (Isa. Chpts. 13, 14); The Assyrian (Mic. chpt. 5); The Antichrist (I Jn. Chpt. 2); The Beast, (Rev. Chpt. 13).
At this post, 100 dead in Syria, a bombing a day prior to the truce, evil warriors waring against this peace-pact all the more verify Holy Angels, warning of great sorrows for those upon the earth as Satan is come down to us, to a made oblivious mankind. As seen here, surrounding this newsest cease fure, Syrian Territories you must rememeber, any fulfillment of bible prophecy completely defeats the Antichrist and bring Satan closer to his one thousand year of imprisonment. So by allying the Antichrist he's trying to most of all since the fall of the first Adam prevent his own damnation, how even he, himself, will by God be thrown into a lake which burns with fire. Readily, here is seen Satan's greatest of all time efforts to prevent Daniel's week, it is again proof of where end times events for so long has now landed us.
It is here also you can see the authenic jihad, the various mutinys and wars in heaven, these ultimate evils, trying to decimate all things Holy Spirit and Holy Spirits bringing to past so extraordinarily every word Elohim Himself, said. He having by the woman's seed, womb, put on flesh, and endured a Cross, for the Adam that once was lost and like Christ in the garden overcoming His greatest trials, God's will, will, is being done, again Hallelujah I say! I want you to just imagine Jesus appearing to inquiries disciples, reassuring them not one tittle of God's word will return to Him, even if heaven and earth fail, God's word will prevail. Heretofore, the seventh angel declares, as Jesus is the spirit of prophecy, meaning when He lamented from the Cross, "it is finished," this included all spoken prophecy, past, present and future, as in right this moment!
When Russia first come to aid Syria's Assad, I admit having his own agenda, I immediately viewed his alligence through the scope of years of preminition as the finale to the fork in the road, of a maze of proposed passage ways that would finally get us to the truce of all truces, the cease fire and week of years of all of them, Daniel's Seventieth Week. So do you think it repeneth God, doing Noah's day, whereas He's been long suffering toward all mankind since; truly not willing that any perish. Appointing Holy Angels all around, redeeming, healing and casting the chastiment of mankind peace upon a rugged cross, named Jesus, this becoming flesh of His Own Self, here enduring for them, now made Heir with Him.
Only doing Noah's day of such the like rebellion, was that it repented God's heart, that He'd created man, because He knew it wouldn't be for 6000 years unto a Millennium of the Woman Seed. Until then, mankind by his disobedience would suffer in ways and by ways inconceivable? When to look and see this build up of torture vehicles, namely dirty Mede, even years before shown the swallow of the Great Whore of religion, John is to see sitting on many waters. This horrid one whose field of slaughter just went on and on without stopping, only still, she was, with another, a greater to come, who is come, 2008. I further witness him, awarding his most trusted, even demonic army, diamond wedding rings as to all the more celebrate their monstrous efforts against westerners, thought to be Christian, happening all the more right now..
I as John the revelator doing the reveal, saw these two beast rise now doing the fulfillment, one from land and one from sea, and soon a man by the name of Hussein Obama took the Whitehouse, this world's first Islamic lead. This is why when you read the original article, how this recent truce was agreed upon by nations leaders meeting in Geneva Switzerland, now you may ask how is this important? Mostly, you see while all other kingdom nations were failing and falling as now, especially their economies, I instead heard a mighty voice, lament, and I quote "don't touch Geneva!" This is why Apostle said, world leaders are who they are, where they are, they're doing what it is they're suppose to be doing, regularly at these end times, as they're all men of perdition.
The two beast I saw rise, is to possess two of them calipulting them into the final, most lethal to exterminate humankind, the end time Anti Christ and false prophet, just this catastrophe upon the world over, why Jesus use these terrifying times as punishment toward those refusing to repentant. Even that said of an Islamic Leader regretted sentiment how they had to await America, even Obama's administration, response for an hour. As I just shared, this too is the fulfillment of bible prophecy, and possibly why Senator Obama, after being revealed as "the one." You see, certain leaders are moved into particular positions after they sit and commune with the beast, something Obama has been called since day one, soon leading to the ten heads of Daniel, see Chpts. 7-8. Indeed said of him, 2008, how we're to highly regard his itinerary, for an hour with the beast changes all things man for all eternity, see Rev. 17, Jesus is the spirit of prophecy, awake, be aware as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM, see also
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Bone Of My Bone, Flesh Of My Flesh, She Shall Be Called Woman
Day Twenty-four, 09/11," of the. "week," prophecy, 08/18, the countdown to Resurrection, Daniel final week of years, see
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, if you are a Christian, Michael Sydner/Infowars, ISIS wants to kill you. Earlier this month, a man named Abu Musab al-Barnawi announced that he had taken over the infamous Boko Haram organization. And his first message as Boko Haram’s leader was as clear as it was concise—on his watch, the group’s main focus will be killing Christians.
According to an interview published this month by the self-proclaimed Islamic State group (ISIS), al-Barnawi threatened to bomb churches and kill Christians, but will no longer attack places used by Muslims.
During the interview, Abu Musab al-Barnawi went on to say that his organization will be “booby-trapping and blowing up every church that we are able to reach, and killing all of those who we find from the citizens of the cross.” There are millions upon millions of Christians in Nigeria and in other African nations where Boko Haram is active. Let us hope and pray that Boko Haram is not able to carry out the types of attacks that they are now promising. And of course it isn’t just in Africa that Christians need to be concerned. The latest issue of the official ISIS magazine called “Dabiq” is urging Muslims in the western world to copy the recent church attack in France… see more here,
Apostles Note: No Christians Allowed, Anywhere!
This forewarning, this soon to be prophetic great falling away is possibly indicative of the vicious beast I witness 2014, stomping and chomping it's way from the pulpits to the pews that were sorely vacant. Most westernized churches are not this serious about Jesus, they'll sacrifice their time so many hours a day for Sunday Services, but actually laying their lives on the line, children and all. No, it's deem the great falling away because churches would be as empty as my bill fold these thirty years of ministry, beware, repent or perish! Apb,
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb
Prophecy Links
A Voice, "Give Me Twelve," 08/18/2016, as in twelve slayers, as is being described by the prophet Ezekiel, 9th chapters, hearing God, calling forth six slayers, now measuring 12, beware, Apb
Five Are Fallen, And One Is, Seen Islamic Reign, Ten Head
I Look To You!
I look to you, as performed by a flawless appearing Whitney Houston, is such a stunning video, I always tell my grands, if she'd actually looked to Him, God, and lost, as in surrendered all things accordingly. All that's life, love and treasures sealed away from any transgressor in heaven, even one's own failing self, needing to be pound into the dust. No, people, especially those of the so labeled free world, they have a hard time seeking out and actually longing to have a personal relationship with God, you may ask why is that? They, their offspring sadly have all grown mighty
accustomed to trusting the world and the wicked world, ruled by Satan is an enemy to God, and whatsoever is an enemy to God, is equally an enemy to mankind.
I was watching a movie with my grands lately and after being in it for so long, I said and I repeat here, its bad children don't know how to pray, not only don't know how to pray but to pray, that prayers of the faithful actually change things, bring Angels to the rescue. You can say, having a healthy prayer life is the beginning, the very root and seal of having or putting on the whole armor of God. Jesus tell us, and teach us, God know what we have need of, to ask in His name and receive accordingly. Though it's literally impossible, yet is it probable, non praying parents will have praying children, children, like their parents are as their overseers, reaping what's sown, it's only natural.
So like most of these songs, their lyrics and breathtaking performances, man is cursed with being unable to practice what they think, believe, trust and sing, it's as tinkling brass, musical, even entertaining, but empty, useless. There is a saying about having water everywhere, even oceans of it, but not a drop to drink, meaning though it's eyes catching, it's all as contaminated as unrepentant man, and just as deadly.
All around us are some of the most beyond description of performing nature's art, that leave us as empty as they temporally mesmerized us, hence as vacant as we're fulfilled. As Jesus taught the woman of Samaria, until we're filled up of the Water, the Bread the Meat that never perisheth, all things on this earth despite how they impress us, even phenomenally fill us, without divine intervention, horridly we're made just as desperate, as hallow as the passing wind or the leaf tumbling therein, Beware, Apb
The Man Ought Not Be Alone, For She Is Taken From Man
"That's Brave just it, bible prophecy is being fulfilled so exactly I just told Kadesh you can turn to the book of revelation for world to breaking news, right now." As one digging hurriedly into his delicious breakfast plate, even a sip of his juice glass, a glance at the time, "I mean not only can he move mountains and split them in two for Israel's rescue. He Brave is the mountain from which the sunshine spoke first to an escaping Moses, then to Her Brave, her, I don't, the now escaping Bride, as she stood oblivious before His Majesty, speaking aloud, "let my people go," ah Kadesh grandmother, Sia Juttah told him this, ...this, this omelet is really good, thanks Brave to the quads. Just think, the highest hills is where we're to direct our hope for there He is riding on the clouds of glory, no one and nothing preventing him from getting to her, the Princess Bride, the marriage Supper Hath made itself ready. I think we need to get the marriage annulled, I'm sorry," a stun one cutting a keen ear her way, astonishing Beethoven Fifth beyond imaging, did tears trigger down and around with her this witness of his wiping meticulously. "I don't understand, why are you saying that to me, this? For me, what we have besides our blessed Lord is everything to me! With his urgent response raised into her grabbing her plate and exiting the table, his wiping additionally, could he not believe what he was hearing. "Hey, hey," as a distraught one coming upon her as to tidy up before getting to classes. "Hey, you can't say something like that and just walk off, I did, and I did, what, why, why are you being so mean? I didn't want this remember? Everybody else did, so you married me to make both of us miserable, is that what you're saying, you're not going to even try? I have tried, ok, I have, you try living with someone, with some. One. what? With someone, what Brave, please I need to know, and that's the problem," as one angrily swatting her tearing face, speeding off away, what in God's name was she trying to say, why was she so hurt? "You don't want to be here, you don't like being mine, spending our time in the Septennial together, is that what you're saying? No," as one fitting thick strands behind her head, down her back, the look of a pretty little Indian girl, but so much more. "Ok, no, then my god wife what? You call me wife, but you treat me as a friend, I can feel you, it's like our hearts are one and the same, burning blood and all, every since you acceptable my proposal, and entered the juttah covenant. Yes! Good, I feel it too, we belong to each other, only there is Brave an indecision there, right there betwixt us and instead of you allowing me, to, to, you know, you keep building a better restraints. Like just now, you just tore out my heart and walk away like its nothing, so I'm to force you, wrestle you down and take you, this hateful. You won't let me near you and you ask me why I won't come near you, do you know how confusing and irritating that is? I mean why do you hate me so much, even now? I don't, I, I don't hate you, I'm, I, I don't know how to do what you're saying, how to let, how to climb over, or break down this barrier. I think I need your help, I mean just saying that is like swallowing daggers and cringing and choking as they pierce me to agonizing regret, what is that? The swallowing of pride, that is what that is, ok, well, I better go, I can't be late, please Brave, don't go just yet," feeling his warm tempting breath, her feel good, delicious neck, really heighten her private of places, what is, shhh," even as she tremble in his hand, ran away this frighten. "Trust me, ok, just trust me, look at me, hey it's me, it's husband Beethoven, I know," as one herself fancying him along his bronze locks of curls, one of his greatest of highlights, into those model like, edible features, his mouth, of lusting after it's insatiable tongue. "Come, where are we going? To be alone, to be alone why? Hey, don't we want to be alone, ah discover ourselves as husband and wife? No, I mean I'm told, well," as one nervously wiping, fainting even, even pulling away, "hey, hey, shhh, look at me, don't forget how precious you are to me, to us, to holy spirits Brave. They created all of this for you, for us, that we can be one blood, flesh forever, but I'm told, shhhh," with the feel of his warm breath upon hers, edging to be kissed lips, tongue, unable to delay any longer, their steaming breaths, life source now this one. "Ah god you taste so good, I so want you, I mean, I need you with me, ok, is that ok? Yes, I love you, you love me? What, you just said you love me, I, I, you said it, all of heavens host heard it and was made glad, say it again, I love," biting her as to feed on every delicate word, every ounce of blood permeating these fiery confessions, this their love, marriage affair, bed, Beethoven Fifth Artz and Brave Heart Deburk, begat; >>>"So you're saying it didn't hurt as they say, ah like a sword being run through you, but! But! It was as beyond amazing, as it was, ah painful I guess," noticeably swatting away a tear, along these confessions of a newly wedded, web marriage bed, what Holy Spirits always intended, explaining how by them, she and husband BFA love making soared into heights so extreme. "I had no ideal it could be like that, that, that is why it's called marriage from the beginning, I guess, why you guys it's sooo sacred. How can you share something so personally as your flesh, this other inside your reproductive life source, I mean it was like I became his and he became mine by an act of surrendering, equally blistering, pouring into one the other that was so, so miraculous you guys. I mean how do you raise from being that dissolved into another person, even this spouse, this, even his lamenting and babbling beyond heaven and now face them? "You Brave tell us, we are the ones having the Tombola coming up, ah, god, you guys are right, perhaps I've said too much, don't be scared, all I know after all that's phenomena at becoming this one, we'll never look at other the same, never again. I can hardly wait to see him, touch and taste him, you know, all over again, that I even have him, that he is mine alone, you know. Yeah," seeing they're to gather their books, was Brave Heart alarmed she'd possibly said too much, "we better go, we have prenatal classes, yes, and you miss BFA Files, you could be pregnant, as in right now. Stop ok, I'm already floating on one cloud, you won't me to jump to another, no I won't, I can't, ok, I just can't think about that, that's just crazy.! They saith the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, that you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an apostle of Christ is among you, as to pluck Ambers from the burning, Apb, The RAM, see also here,
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, if you are a Christian, Michael Sydner/Infowars, ISIS wants to kill you. Earlier this month, a man named Abu Musab al-Barnawi announced that he had taken over the infamous Boko Haram organization. And his first message as Boko Haram’s leader was as clear as it was concise—on his watch, the group’s main focus will be killing Christians.
According to an interview published this month by the self-proclaimed Islamic State group (ISIS), al-Barnawi threatened to bomb churches and kill Christians, but will no longer attack places used by Muslims.
During the interview, Abu Musab al-Barnawi went on to say that his organization will be “booby-trapping and blowing up every church that we are able to reach, and killing all of those who we find from the citizens of the cross.” There are millions upon millions of Christians in Nigeria and in other African nations where Boko Haram is active. Let us hope and pray that Boko Haram is not able to carry out the types of attacks that they are now promising. And of course it isn’t just in Africa that Christians need to be concerned. The latest issue of the official ISIS magazine called “Dabiq” is urging Muslims in the western world to copy the recent church attack in France… see more here,
Apostles Note: No Christians Allowed, Anywhere!
This forewarning, this soon to be prophetic great falling away is possibly indicative of the vicious beast I witness 2014, stomping and chomping it's way from the pulpits to the pews that were sorely vacant. Most westernized churches are not this serious about Jesus, they'll sacrifice their time so many hours a day for Sunday Services, but actually laying their lives on the line, children and all. No, it's deem the great falling away because churches would be as empty as my bill fold these thirty years of ministry, beware, repent or perish! Apb,
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb
Prophecy Links
A Voice, "Give Me Twelve," 08/18/2016, as in twelve slayers, as is being described by the prophet Ezekiel, 9th chapters, hearing God, calling forth six slayers, now measuring 12, beware, Apb
Five Are Fallen, And One Is, Seen Islamic Reign, Ten Head
I Look To You!
I look to you, as performed by a flawless appearing Whitney Houston, is such a stunning video, I always tell my grands, if she'd actually looked to Him, God, and lost, as in surrendered all things accordingly. All that's life, love and treasures sealed away from any transgressor in heaven, even one's own failing self, needing to be pound into the dust. No, people, especially those of the so labeled free world, they have a hard time seeking out and actually longing to have a personal relationship with God, you may ask why is that? They, their offspring sadly have all grown mighty
accustomed to trusting the world and the wicked world, ruled by Satan is an enemy to God, and whatsoever is an enemy to God, is equally an enemy to mankind.
I was watching a movie with my grands lately and after being in it for so long, I said and I repeat here, its bad children don't know how to pray, not only don't know how to pray but to pray, that prayers of the faithful actually change things, bring Angels to the rescue. You can say, having a healthy prayer life is the beginning, the very root and seal of having or putting on the whole armor of God. Jesus tell us, and teach us, God know what we have need of, to ask in His name and receive accordingly. Though it's literally impossible, yet is it probable, non praying parents will have praying children, children, like their parents are as their overseers, reaping what's sown, it's only natural.
So like most of these songs, their lyrics and breathtaking performances, man is cursed with being unable to practice what they think, believe, trust and sing, it's as tinkling brass, musical, even entertaining, but empty, useless. There is a saying about having water everywhere, even oceans of it, but not a drop to drink, meaning though it's eyes catching, it's all as contaminated as unrepentant man, and just as deadly.
All around us are some of the most beyond description of performing nature's art, that leave us as empty as they temporally mesmerized us, hence as vacant as we're fulfilled. As Jesus taught the woman of Samaria, until we're filled up of the Water, the Bread the Meat that never perisheth, all things on this earth despite how they impress us, even phenomenally fill us, without divine intervention, horridly we're made just as desperate, as hallow as the passing wind or the leaf tumbling therein, Beware, Apb
The Man Ought Not Be Alone, For She Is Taken From Man
"That's Brave just it, bible prophecy is being fulfilled so exactly I just told Kadesh you can turn to the book of revelation for world to breaking news, right now." As one digging hurriedly into his delicious breakfast plate, even a sip of his juice glass, a glance at the time, "I mean not only can he move mountains and split them in two for Israel's rescue. He Brave is the mountain from which the sunshine spoke first to an escaping Moses, then to Her Brave, her, I don't, the now escaping Bride, as she stood oblivious before His Majesty, speaking aloud, "let my people go," ah Kadesh grandmother, Sia Juttah told him this, ...this, this omelet is really good, thanks Brave to the quads. Just think, the highest hills is where we're to direct our hope for there He is riding on the clouds of glory, no one and nothing preventing him from getting to her, the Princess Bride, the marriage Supper Hath made itself ready. I think we need to get the marriage annulled, I'm sorry," a stun one cutting a keen ear her way, astonishing Beethoven Fifth beyond imaging, did tears trigger down and around with her this witness of his wiping meticulously. "I don't understand, why are you saying that to me, this? For me, what we have besides our blessed Lord is everything to me! With his urgent response raised into her grabbing her plate and exiting the table, his wiping additionally, could he not believe what he was hearing. "Hey, hey," as a distraught one coming upon her as to tidy up before getting to classes. "Hey, you can't say something like that and just walk off, I did, and I did, what, why, why are you being so mean? I didn't want this remember? Everybody else did, so you married me to make both of us miserable, is that what you're saying, you're not going to even try? I have tried, ok, I have, you try living with someone, with some. One. what? With someone, what Brave, please I need to know, and that's the problem," as one angrily swatting her tearing face, speeding off away, what in God's name was she trying to say, why was she so hurt? "You don't want to be here, you don't like being mine, spending our time in the Septennial together, is that what you're saying? No," as one fitting thick strands behind her head, down her back, the look of a pretty little Indian girl, but so much more. "Ok, no, then my god wife what? You call me wife, but you treat me as a friend, I can feel you, it's like our hearts are one and the same, burning blood and all, every since you acceptable my proposal, and entered the juttah covenant. Yes! Good, I feel it too, we belong to each other, only there is Brave an indecision there, right there betwixt us and instead of you allowing me, to, to, you know, you keep building a better restraints. Like just now, you just tore out my heart and walk away like its nothing, so I'm to force you, wrestle you down and take you, this hateful. You won't let me near you and you ask me why I won't come near you, do you know how confusing and irritating that is? I mean why do you hate me so much, even now? I don't, I, I don't hate you, I'm, I, I don't know how to do what you're saying, how to let, how to climb over, or break down this barrier. I think I need your help, I mean just saying that is like swallowing daggers and cringing and choking as they pierce me to agonizing regret, what is that? The swallowing of pride, that is what that is, ok, well, I better go, I can't be late, please Brave, don't go just yet," feeling his warm tempting breath, her feel good, delicious neck, really heighten her private of places, what is, shhh," even as she tremble in his hand, ran away this frighten. "Trust me, ok, just trust me, look at me, hey it's me, it's husband Beethoven, I know," as one herself fancying him along his bronze locks of curls, one of his greatest of highlights, into those model like, edible features, his mouth, of lusting after it's insatiable tongue. "Come, where are we going? To be alone, to be alone why? Hey, don't we want to be alone, ah discover ourselves as husband and wife? No, I mean I'm told, well," as one nervously wiping, fainting even, even pulling away, "hey, hey, shhh, look at me, don't forget how precious you are to me, to us, to holy spirits Brave. They created all of this for you, for us, that we can be one blood, flesh forever, but I'm told, shhhh," with the feel of his warm breath upon hers, edging to be kissed lips, tongue, unable to delay any longer, their steaming breaths, life source now this one. "Ah god you taste so good, I so want you, I mean, I need you with me, ok, is that ok? Yes, I love you, you love me? What, you just said you love me, I, I, you said it, all of heavens host heard it and was made glad, say it again, I love," biting her as to feed on every delicate word, every ounce of blood permeating these fiery confessions, this their love, marriage affair, bed, Beethoven Fifth Artz and Brave Heart Deburk, begat; >>>"So you're saying it didn't hurt as they say, ah like a sword being run through you, but! But! It was as beyond amazing, as it was, ah painful I guess," noticeably swatting away a tear, along these confessions of a newly wedded, web marriage bed, what Holy Spirits always intended, explaining how by them, she and husband BFA love making soared into heights so extreme. "I had no ideal it could be like that, that, that is why it's called marriage from the beginning, I guess, why you guys it's sooo sacred. How can you share something so personally as your flesh, this other inside your reproductive life source, I mean it was like I became his and he became mine by an act of surrendering, equally blistering, pouring into one the other that was so, so miraculous you guys. I mean how do you raise from being that dissolved into another person, even this spouse, this, even his lamenting and babbling beyond heaven and now face them? "You Brave tell us, we are the ones having the Tombola coming up, ah, god, you guys are right, perhaps I've said too much, don't be scared, all I know after all that's phenomena at becoming this one, we'll never look at other the same, never again. I can hardly wait to see him, touch and taste him, you know, all over again, that I even have him, that he is mine alone, you know. Yeah," seeing they're to gather their books, was Brave Heart alarmed she'd possibly said too much, "we better go, we have prenatal classes, yes, and you miss BFA Files, you could be pregnant, as in right now. Stop ok, I'm already floating on one cloud, you won't me to jump to another, no I won't, I can't, ok, I just can't think about that, that's just crazy.! They saith the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, that you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an apostle of Christ is among you, as to pluck Ambers from the burning, Apb, The RAM, see also here,
Saturday, September 10, 2016
"Give Me Twelve,"
Day Twenty-three, 09/10,"of the. "week," prophecy, 08/18, the countdown to Resurrection, and Daniel final week of years, see
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Jesuis (I Am, We Are) Jesus Christ, ISIS Has A New Focus: Killing Christians And Bombing Churches Wherever They Can Find Them....Michael Synder/Infowars
If you are a Christian, ISIS wants to kill you. Our politicians keep telling us that our battle with ISIS is not a “religious war," but to ISIS it most certainly is. As you will see below, ISIS has a new focus. They are very clear about the fact that they intend to kill as many “citizens of the cross” as they possibly can, and they plan to bomb churches wherever they can find them.
In a previous article, I explained how an entire church in the U.S. ended up on an ISIS kill list, and we just saw in France that they are willing to strike anywhere and at any time. Religious targets now appear to be a top priority for ISIS, and that means that every church and every Christian in the western world needs to start thinking differently about security.
Let’s start by taking a look at what is happening in Africa. Boko Haram’s brutality has made headlines all over the planet, and the infamous terror organization has pledged complete loyalty to ISIS at this point. In the past, Boko Haram has hit both Christian and Muslim targets, but now the new leader of Boko Haram is promising to following ISIS guidelines and to focus primarily on bombing churches and killing Christians… see more here,
Apostles Note:
This article by Michael Synder remind me of the dream I had about Syed Farook, the night before he was revealed on face-book as the terrorist attacker of the San Bernardino shooting. In the dream, he walked up to the driver side of my running car, a Chrysler 300 and he began a conversation that I don't remember, then he did something rather odd, as to take a USB and plug it into my steering column.
The next I know he was in my car this wreak less driver, with me asking where was he taking me? And here end the dream, I made certain to copy his appearance. His well groom hair and caramel colored skin, next I saw him, he was in a post on social media and I was stun, saying, this is the man I just dreamed about, meaning? Islamic terrorist isn't coming to the US it is here, awaiting a prophesied timable, see Jer. 37:8, 1998, this warning as well.
I had a similar dream a day after the September 11th attacks, didn't know until later it was in relation, another car, Arab males. It was about three of them, pouring gasoline on an auto with a female inside it, set it on fire. It would seem days later, a female TN. Driver's License agent who'd been assisting Arab males obtain illegal I. D., was found dead this exact way, all with her death ruled a suicide, Islamic terrorism hath reign, beware. Apb...
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb
Prophecy Links
Seen to be seeing Islamic terrorist awarded diamond wedding rings for their deadly efforts against the West, 2003, also see Jer. 37:8, 1998
Seen to be seeing a build up of torture vehicles for as far as the eyes could see, with a US general lamenting, don't be alarmed men, Mede is very dirty, 2003
Seen to be awarded an 11:00 shopping lunch hour, all while military loved ones are hooked their navels with pulleys and torn into bits, this horrid, 2003
A Voice, "Give Me Twelve," 08/18/2016, as in twelve slayers, as is being described by the prophet Ezekiel, 9th chapters, hearing God, calling forth six slayers, now measuring 12, beware, Apb
Occupied Territory
An End, The End Hath Come, Summon The Fowls
Every Praise, Is To Our God, By Hezekiah Walker
Go and Sin No More, Be Born Again
Before I comment on this amazing song, well it's lyrics, I watched an episode of Greenleaf with the family the other night, Jesus this witness I'd never heard of it, don't plan to see it again, if its not spiritual or some G-rated Syfy, I just can't get into it. I witness as this young husband admitted to his wife he had a lust for other men. It was as though his lust for other men, was any different than his lust for other women, it's lust of the flesh, one of mankind's greatest detriments. Like all sin, Jesus, not mass assembly is the cure, beware you must put flesh, (American Dreaming), all to death to accomplish this divine marvel. This is where Jesus made returning to those he'd healed whose infirmities had been according to their sins, where again Jesus plainly told them to stop their sinning or something worse, like death and hell would happen to them.
Now let's be clear as Jesus here, Jesus tempted at all points as man but without sin, so it was His choice to live sinless, made it as plain as sunlight that the practice of sin is also a choice that we all make. If it wasn't so, Jesus wouldn't have suggested they stop doing something they're incapable of doing, as to set them up for a fall, that has already happen, see the first Adam. Jesus has come that we, mankind move out of their sinful flesh, provoking them into sickening and deadly transgressions all together; whereas only life in the Holy Spirit, by the repentant believer is the only answer. Still, even the believer can't live born again until they totally and again that's totally release all to Holy Spirits, the flesh being weak and sorely tempted by all things worldly.
Here it is we know Jesus urgency, that when He departed the Holy Ghost would come, for without the divine eviction of practicing carnality we could never be Holy and Acceptable unto God, never on our own. Thus, if we say we hath not sin, we lie and do not the truth, but if we confess our sins, (Psa. 51), He, God, is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. This is what the writing in red appearing in Holy Scripture meant, how man can't do this, not chose a sinless existence, Jesus being flesh made these choices, but to go and live sinless mean from this conversion on one is to modify the flesh. To be relieved completely of it, and this is only possible as we as Paul pleaded, surrender all of our being, life, living, treasures, to Holy Spirits, now this Holy Temple, see Roman 6, 12, I John 1.
Every Praise is the worship song, the lyrics my grandson Darius was going through the house singing lately, "god my savior, god my deliverer, god my healer," yes hallelujah, all of the above. When I said to him, you left out one, "god my righteous judge," you see millions of people who justify living in sin and being there pleasured. They reasoned what they do by the measure of love, grace and mercy God has shown them these thousands of years, they not realizing. Lets just say the dispensation of grace, it's by God long suffering yes that none perish, just as so it's His overall purpose to arrive to God's Throne, Redeemed by Righteous blood, this woman's womb, human heir, Righteous Bride.
Now it is not possible, regardless of God's beyond description love for mankind, for those who take their pleasures in sin unto death, to now as well take their place in heaven, not gonna happen, Jesus even threaten those who try with being cast into outer darkness. Only the repentant now having their robes washed and made white in, by Christ's blood, have as well been adopted into both His Cross of Suffering, Resurrection and Ascension, something Elohim has planned before the foundation of the world. Agreeably, as merciful as He is and He is merciful, He is also a judge with the pouring out of end time wrath pending, Jesus' wrath with Him.
Its why Jesus told us from the beginning, God's love is not mocked, in other words it will pity you even as you open your eyes in hell's fire, don't be deceived, ye must be born again, unlikely to sin, for those who sin are of the devil, and destined where daily hell enlarges itself. I'm reminded of Mack ministering to his co-workers, some of which called it foolishness, how blessed only are the dead who die in Jesus, so say God's Revelations. Stunning and miraculous altogether, all mankind have a cursive death from birth, come upon them at a time they know not, only to die in Christ, you ascend to Him, until like Jesus at resurrection, you're rejoined to your now glorified body.
Five Are Fallen, And One Is, Seen Islamic Reign, Ten Heads
You may ask why is this article so important,, no not so important, the most important. Remember when Caden by a dream 2015, who actually appeared like cousin Cameron, who also has a brother named Caden, whereas I heard a voice say, just as he ask me was I ready? The bride was again being taken, I just as soon heard a voice lament, "its all about Cameron," just before we departed into an estimated departure date of Sept. 25th. At this time there was nothing about PM Camron in the news, not until a week later, a week later, supposedly targeting Isis leaders he'd ordered troops on a disputed Syrian soil, killing two of them, which made Russia get involved as this was bringing western allies too close to a covert coup regarding Syria's Assad.
Apparently meaning, western leaders so predictable were at it again, slaying especially Islamic leaders having their own lethal agendas, though this move by Russia, I said was to bring us closer to the final week of Daniel. It as well brought PM Cameron closer to the Brexit vote, (separate them, 2004), possibly seeing Syria's Assad out of reach of their needing to assassinate those in particular of their prostrated efforts to holocaust mankind. So in all reality when I witness a huge container fall on Saddam, and heard a voice lament, sincerely, nearly. Well, exactly what one of US leaders said doing a news conference, how Saddam had been captured and wouldn't recover, ("Hussein is injured and will not recover," 2003), that I wasn't seeing, hearing the crash and burn of Hussein, but commence, but America, even the West, and soon, like now, the the world economy.
"Give Me Twelve,"
I couldn't help but notice, this new cease fire will take effect on September 12th, the voice that I heard a couple weeks past, was it a territorial spirit, Assyria, asking for 12 days now given? As such explaining Hussein Obama's Administration, Senator Obama being declared the one, into the rise of the two most important beast of the long anticipated finale of biblical prophecy, see Rev. 13. Rightly Syria and others like them was as well proposing a cease-fire, one that was falling apart. Shockingly, when a seven year old Caden earlier this year brought me out of my room, into his parents room to see something urgent. Pointed me to the TV where there was breaking news that such a truce only days later was being compromised.
These events actually goes back to 2003, when I by bible prophecy predicted a Hussein, as in an Islamic Whitehouse, and why I described Hussein Obama's Whitehouse as a prelude to this world wide Islamic Reign, proceeding as to pave the why, road even to this recent truce as described right here. Although Holy Spirits then, referring to Senator Obama as and I quote "the one," soon appointing President Obama two weeks and seven years, so apparent, the authentic countdown to Daniel's week. Into the proceeding it first resurrection, verifying the countdown I been doing with you guys since Aug. 18, a week later landing us at Aug. 25/26th, around where this new truce took an hour, regarding America's decision.
This hour is itself important, because scripture say, end time leaders are made kings of the earth one hour with the beast, like the two beast I saw rise, just as Obama's Administration 2008, one from land, one from sea. Because I witness them rise in this manner, place them in all likeness to the two beast John also saw, that would possess two men of prediction into both Antichrist and the false prophet, now on the rise. There is nothing strange here, these are all phenomena things told especially by the Prophet Daniel, and eventually the Apostle John, all being realized upon their fullness of time.
Do you understand? The "week," 08/18 prophecy just counted us along a week later into what will soon be the proposed, most important truce of human kind, Daniel's Seventieth Week, the beginning, the end and divine by Christ's Cross continuance into life eternal. We've been counting down to Daniel's week of years, since this date, so this truce is more evidence of where we are, where these prophecies are concern. Eventually it is to arrive us along a seven year peace accord, by an action just as similar, so sadly but necessarily we could be looking at the US last overall purpose of interfering in world affairs. This truce 08/26, a week past, 08/18, "week," prophecy, along the inevitable Israeli/Islamic seven year accord could be why Hussein Obama took the Whitehouse 2008-2016 and why I witness Jesus's Millennium follow his.
I need you to also take notice of better evidence of why this alliance mostly force, since they at this time not with Russia and China threating allying Syria's Assad, they couldn't touch him; lest we forget, there is Cameron's Brexit, as so the attempted Coup against Turkey. Equally, this is why I heard a mighty voice years past lamenting aloud, "don't touch Geneva," Geneva Switzerland is where this recent peace accord was made, again making all the difference from those prior unto failures. So is Assad the little horn that according to Daniel's prophecy is supposed to rise out of the old Assyrian empire, meaning Syria, Iran, Iraq? Well he's described as a little horn for a reason, I mean how many of us could've for a million years imagined a man name Hussein Obama in the Whitehouse, not one term, but two? Proving we're not in control of anything, thank God He, is.
So undoubtedly, Daniel's week will manifest itself out of world nations even unknowingly performing an amalgamation right here, and seven years later the father King of all Kingdom nations, the fulfillment of what King Nebuchadnezzar saw and Daniel the only one to interpret. This is why Putin at times unbeknownst to himself was assigned a highly questionable, even despised allegiance to this man, Assad, or another Saddam, Col. Gaddafi and an unnumbered of others would perform all over again. Whether Iraq was actually Bush's target from the beginning, little did he know or realize, like all world leaders around this world, every move they make.
They're like puppets in God's hand of fulfilling end time prophecy, why it was all deem one error/era unto a new fear factor in the beginning. Evenly why one US General witness a pileup of torture vehicles called dirty Mede, why yet another was pictured handing his horse off to the prophet Jeremiah, citing no contest. Indeed, what the prophets of God prophesied regardless of passage of time, will not, have not, is not returning to Him, void, so say Gabriel 2004, seventh angel, Rev. 10; now going back to the prophet Daniel's prayer his 9th chapter, my favorite. An intercessory prayer especially toward unrepentant leaders, although the princes of Persia are to withstand this coming to rescue Angel Gabriel some 21 days later.
Daniel is told being greatly beloved, his prayers was heard first thing, how he, Gabriel with Michael and possibly a host of others, had come to show him what was to befall his people many days hence. They began by telling him, 70 weeks were determined upon his people to pretty much make an end of sin, then God's pending judgment. Which would began the 70th week, that's been stalled in prophetic limbo, doing the dispensation of grace allowed by Christ's Cross, these 2000 years to date, where even right now we're assured Jesus is on his way here, the last days of the church age is now and we're taken out.
So though we call it a countdown, it's actually, as the backward running clock of a sixtieth year, appearing under America's cursed upon bringer of death, we're counting back just as we're moving forward, the marriage supper; all at the exact time, regarding two alternate, but the same timetables, henceforth explaining. Though I seldom mention it, I believe the total of 15% I also saw, as Jesus millennium reign over it, them all, following Obama's Administration. As I said, the only way this is possible, is if like this pending truce all future world events edges on Daniel's final week, something primarily this vote is a prelude to, and possibly why it was given to us by then Senator Obama, 2008, to highly regard his itinerary.
I believe Obama's Administration and this sum here, and why I've prophesied for years another US president will not sit, truly it represents the death toll of America's corrupt sowing, a weight of 190 lbs. (190 months, a lost of 190 years, 12/25/2001). Which will be in the tens of millions, and those dead in the water of the titanic crash and sinking, their inconceivable cries grow all the more calm, still, silent; of learning possibly a year or so past, I'm not the only one who has seen these manners of massive death tolls, again tens of millions, possibly instantly, US soil, further clarifying why I've seen so many demonstrations of evacuations into a complete exodus regarding America.
Even a fictitious one for as long as I've been in ministry, the African Juttah, Septennial, just see the movie 2012 for more details. Only imagine those mostly to escape, to what would've been Col. Gaddafi's New Africa, were actually marriage (Jesus, The Genesis), worshipers, lead by a world leader of African Origin/Birth. Prophetically, for her sins have reached unto God, and God hath remembered her iniquity and judged her accordingly, that for 190 months, is come a weight and sentence of a subtraction of 190 years. Something I witness behind the intrepid time table, also see Ezekiel 4, who was enduring in all likeness the same, regarding his transgressing Judah.
As so forewarning them like now how an end to all of it had come, God, His Word, Will, Prophecies, the same today yesterday and forever. Thus bearing Gabriel's 2004, divine legality how the fulfilment of all things is upon mankind right into a seventh angel crying aloud the kingdoms of men have become the kingdoms of God and his Christ and they shall reign forever. So just the other night, as I dozed off seeming for only a second, Angels in heaven began to rush toward me this glorious welcome. I only shared this to reassure the tried beyond description Righteous Bride how anxious Heaven's Host to receive and have them as their Heir, so much so, "the Spirit and Bride saith come, every since John heard a voice like a trumpet lament, "come up hither," see Rev. 4:1, awake, be as aware, as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM, also see,
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Jesuis (I Am, We Are) Jesus Christ, ISIS Has A New Focus: Killing Christians And Bombing Churches Wherever They Can Find Them....Michael Synder/Infowars
If you are a Christian, ISIS wants to kill you. Our politicians keep telling us that our battle with ISIS is not a “religious war," but to ISIS it most certainly is. As you will see below, ISIS has a new focus. They are very clear about the fact that they intend to kill as many “citizens of the cross” as they possibly can, and they plan to bomb churches wherever they can find them.
In a previous article, I explained how an entire church in the U.S. ended up on an ISIS kill list, and we just saw in France that they are willing to strike anywhere and at any time. Religious targets now appear to be a top priority for ISIS, and that means that every church and every Christian in the western world needs to start thinking differently about security.
Let’s start by taking a look at what is happening in Africa. Boko Haram’s brutality has made headlines all over the planet, and the infamous terror organization has pledged complete loyalty to ISIS at this point. In the past, Boko Haram has hit both Christian and Muslim targets, but now the new leader of Boko Haram is promising to following ISIS guidelines and to focus primarily on bombing churches and killing Christians… see more here,
Apostles Note:
This article by Michael Synder remind me of the dream I had about Syed Farook, the night before he was revealed on face-book as the terrorist attacker of the San Bernardino shooting. In the dream, he walked up to the driver side of my running car, a Chrysler 300 and he began a conversation that I don't remember, then he did something rather odd, as to take a USB and plug it into my steering column.
The next I know he was in my car this wreak less driver, with me asking where was he taking me? And here end the dream, I made certain to copy his appearance. His well groom hair and caramel colored skin, next I saw him, he was in a post on social media and I was stun, saying, this is the man I just dreamed about, meaning? Islamic terrorist isn't coming to the US it is here, awaiting a prophesied timable, see Jer. 37:8, 1998, this warning as well.
I had a similar dream a day after the September 11th attacks, didn't know until later it was in relation, another car, Arab males. It was about three of them, pouring gasoline on an auto with a female inside it, set it on fire. It would seem days later, a female TN. Driver's License agent who'd been assisting Arab males obtain illegal I. D., was found dead this exact way, all with her death ruled a suicide, Islamic terrorism hath reign, beware. Apb...
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb
Prophecy Links
Seen to be seeing Islamic terrorist awarded diamond wedding rings for their deadly efforts against the West, 2003, also see Jer. 37:8, 1998
Seen to be seeing a build up of torture vehicles for as far as the eyes could see, with a US general lamenting, don't be alarmed men, Mede is very dirty, 2003
Seen to be awarded an 11:00 shopping lunch hour, all while military loved ones are hooked their navels with pulleys and torn into bits, this horrid, 2003
A Voice, "Give Me Twelve," 08/18/2016, as in twelve slayers, as is being described by the prophet Ezekiel, 9th chapters, hearing God, calling forth six slayers, now measuring 12, beware, Apb
Occupied Territory
An End, The End Hath Come, Summon The Fowls
Every Praise, Is To Our God, By Hezekiah Walker
Go and Sin No More, Be Born Again
Before I comment on this amazing song, well it's lyrics, I watched an episode of Greenleaf with the family the other night, Jesus this witness I'd never heard of it, don't plan to see it again, if its not spiritual or some G-rated Syfy, I just can't get into it. I witness as this young husband admitted to his wife he had a lust for other men. It was as though his lust for other men, was any different than his lust for other women, it's lust of the flesh, one of mankind's greatest detriments. Like all sin, Jesus, not mass assembly is the cure, beware you must put flesh, (American Dreaming), all to death to accomplish this divine marvel. This is where Jesus made returning to those he'd healed whose infirmities had been according to their sins, where again Jesus plainly told them to stop their sinning or something worse, like death and hell would happen to them.
Now let's be clear as Jesus here, Jesus tempted at all points as man but without sin, so it was His choice to live sinless, made it as plain as sunlight that the practice of sin is also a choice that we all make. If it wasn't so, Jesus wouldn't have suggested they stop doing something they're incapable of doing, as to set them up for a fall, that has already happen, see the first Adam. Jesus has come that we, mankind move out of their sinful flesh, provoking them into sickening and deadly transgressions all together; whereas only life in the Holy Spirit, by the repentant believer is the only answer. Still, even the believer can't live born again until they totally and again that's totally release all to Holy Spirits, the flesh being weak and sorely tempted by all things worldly.
Here it is we know Jesus urgency, that when He departed the Holy Ghost would come, for without the divine eviction of practicing carnality we could never be Holy and Acceptable unto God, never on our own. Thus, if we say we hath not sin, we lie and do not the truth, but if we confess our sins, (Psa. 51), He, God, is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. This is what the writing in red appearing in Holy Scripture meant, how man can't do this, not chose a sinless existence, Jesus being flesh made these choices, but to go and live sinless mean from this conversion on one is to modify the flesh. To be relieved completely of it, and this is only possible as we as Paul pleaded, surrender all of our being, life, living, treasures, to Holy Spirits, now this Holy Temple, see Roman 6, 12, I John 1.
Every Praise is the worship song, the lyrics my grandson Darius was going through the house singing lately, "god my savior, god my deliverer, god my healer," yes hallelujah, all of the above. When I said to him, you left out one, "god my righteous judge," you see millions of people who justify living in sin and being there pleasured. They reasoned what they do by the measure of love, grace and mercy God has shown them these thousands of years, they not realizing. Lets just say the dispensation of grace, it's by God long suffering yes that none perish, just as so it's His overall purpose to arrive to God's Throne, Redeemed by Righteous blood, this woman's womb, human heir, Righteous Bride.
Now it is not possible, regardless of God's beyond description love for mankind, for those who take their pleasures in sin unto death, to now as well take their place in heaven, not gonna happen, Jesus even threaten those who try with being cast into outer darkness. Only the repentant now having their robes washed and made white in, by Christ's blood, have as well been adopted into both His Cross of Suffering, Resurrection and Ascension, something Elohim has planned before the foundation of the world. Agreeably, as merciful as He is and He is merciful, He is also a judge with the pouring out of end time wrath pending, Jesus' wrath with Him.
Its why Jesus told us from the beginning, God's love is not mocked, in other words it will pity you even as you open your eyes in hell's fire, don't be deceived, ye must be born again, unlikely to sin, for those who sin are of the devil, and destined where daily hell enlarges itself. I'm reminded of Mack ministering to his co-workers, some of which called it foolishness, how blessed only are the dead who die in Jesus, so say God's Revelations. Stunning and miraculous altogether, all mankind have a cursive death from birth, come upon them at a time they know not, only to die in Christ, you ascend to Him, until like Jesus at resurrection, you're rejoined to your now glorified body.
Five Are Fallen, And One Is, Seen Islamic Reign, Ten Heads
You may ask why is this article so important,, no not so important, the most important. Remember when Caden by a dream 2015, who actually appeared like cousin Cameron, who also has a brother named Caden, whereas I heard a voice say, just as he ask me was I ready? The bride was again being taken, I just as soon heard a voice lament, "its all about Cameron," just before we departed into an estimated departure date of Sept. 25th. At this time there was nothing about PM Camron in the news, not until a week later, a week later, supposedly targeting Isis leaders he'd ordered troops on a disputed Syrian soil, killing two of them, which made Russia get involved as this was bringing western allies too close to a covert coup regarding Syria's Assad.
Apparently meaning, western leaders so predictable were at it again, slaying especially Islamic leaders having their own lethal agendas, though this move by Russia, I said was to bring us closer to the final week of Daniel. It as well brought PM Cameron closer to the Brexit vote, (separate them, 2004), possibly seeing Syria's Assad out of reach of their needing to assassinate those in particular of their prostrated efforts to holocaust mankind. So in all reality when I witness a huge container fall on Saddam, and heard a voice lament, sincerely, nearly. Well, exactly what one of US leaders said doing a news conference, how Saddam had been captured and wouldn't recover, ("Hussein is injured and will not recover," 2003), that I wasn't seeing, hearing the crash and burn of Hussein, but commence, but America, even the West, and soon, like now, the the world economy.
"Give Me Twelve,"
I couldn't help but notice, this new cease fire will take effect on September 12th, the voice that I heard a couple weeks past, was it a territorial spirit, Assyria, asking for 12 days now given? As such explaining Hussein Obama's Administration, Senator Obama being declared the one, into the rise of the two most important beast of the long anticipated finale of biblical prophecy, see Rev. 13. Rightly Syria and others like them was as well proposing a cease-fire, one that was falling apart. Shockingly, when a seven year old Caden earlier this year brought me out of my room, into his parents room to see something urgent. Pointed me to the TV where there was breaking news that such a truce only days later was being compromised.
These events actually goes back to 2003, when I by bible prophecy predicted a Hussein, as in an Islamic Whitehouse, and why I described Hussein Obama's Whitehouse as a prelude to this world wide Islamic Reign, proceeding as to pave the why, road even to this recent truce as described right here. Although Holy Spirits then, referring to Senator Obama as and I quote "the one," soon appointing President Obama two weeks and seven years, so apparent, the authentic countdown to Daniel's week. Into the proceeding it first resurrection, verifying the countdown I been doing with you guys since Aug. 18, a week later landing us at Aug. 25/26th, around where this new truce took an hour, regarding America's decision.
This hour is itself important, because scripture say, end time leaders are made kings of the earth one hour with the beast, like the two beast I saw rise, just as Obama's Administration 2008, one from land, one from sea. Because I witness them rise in this manner, place them in all likeness to the two beast John also saw, that would possess two men of prediction into both Antichrist and the false prophet, now on the rise. There is nothing strange here, these are all phenomena things told especially by the Prophet Daniel, and eventually the Apostle John, all being realized upon their fullness of time.
Do you understand? The "week," 08/18 prophecy just counted us along a week later into what will soon be the proposed, most important truce of human kind, Daniel's Seventieth Week, the beginning, the end and divine by Christ's Cross continuance into life eternal. We've been counting down to Daniel's week of years, since this date, so this truce is more evidence of where we are, where these prophecies are concern. Eventually it is to arrive us along a seven year peace accord, by an action just as similar, so sadly but necessarily we could be looking at the US last overall purpose of interfering in world affairs. This truce 08/26, a week past, 08/18, "week," prophecy, along the inevitable Israeli/Islamic seven year accord could be why Hussein Obama took the Whitehouse 2008-2016 and why I witness Jesus's Millennium follow his.
I need you to also take notice of better evidence of why this alliance mostly force, since they at this time not with Russia and China threating allying Syria's Assad, they couldn't touch him; lest we forget, there is Cameron's Brexit, as so the attempted Coup against Turkey. Equally, this is why I heard a mighty voice years past lamenting aloud, "don't touch Geneva," Geneva Switzerland is where this recent peace accord was made, again making all the difference from those prior unto failures. So is Assad the little horn that according to Daniel's prophecy is supposed to rise out of the old Assyrian empire, meaning Syria, Iran, Iraq? Well he's described as a little horn for a reason, I mean how many of us could've for a million years imagined a man name Hussein Obama in the Whitehouse, not one term, but two? Proving we're not in control of anything, thank God He, is.
So undoubtedly, Daniel's week will manifest itself out of world nations even unknowingly performing an amalgamation right here, and seven years later the father King of all Kingdom nations, the fulfillment of what King Nebuchadnezzar saw and Daniel the only one to interpret. This is why Putin at times unbeknownst to himself was assigned a highly questionable, even despised allegiance to this man, Assad, or another Saddam, Col. Gaddafi and an unnumbered of others would perform all over again. Whether Iraq was actually Bush's target from the beginning, little did he know or realize, like all world leaders around this world, every move they make.
They're like puppets in God's hand of fulfilling end time prophecy, why it was all deem one error/era unto a new fear factor in the beginning. Evenly why one US General witness a pileup of torture vehicles called dirty Mede, why yet another was pictured handing his horse off to the prophet Jeremiah, citing no contest. Indeed, what the prophets of God prophesied regardless of passage of time, will not, have not, is not returning to Him, void, so say Gabriel 2004, seventh angel, Rev. 10; now going back to the prophet Daniel's prayer his 9th chapter, my favorite. An intercessory prayer especially toward unrepentant leaders, although the princes of Persia are to withstand this coming to rescue Angel Gabriel some 21 days later.
Daniel is told being greatly beloved, his prayers was heard first thing, how he, Gabriel with Michael and possibly a host of others, had come to show him what was to befall his people many days hence. They began by telling him, 70 weeks were determined upon his people to pretty much make an end of sin, then God's pending judgment. Which would began the 70th week, that's been stalled in prophetic limbo, doing the dispensation of grace allowed by Christ's Cross, these 2000 years to date, where even right now we're assured Jesus is on his way here, the last days of the church age is now and we're taken out.
So though we call it a countdown, it's actually, as the backward running clock of a sixtieth year, appearing under America's cursed upon bringer of death, we're counting back just as we're moving forward, the marriage supper; all at the exact time, regarding two alternate, but the same timetables, henceforth explaining. Though I seldom mention it, I believe the total of 15% I also saw, as Jesus millennium reign over it, them all, following Obama's Administration. As I said, the only way this is possible, is if like this pending truce all future world events edges on Daniel's final week, something primarily this vote is a prelude to, and possibly why it was given to us by then Senator Obama, 2008, to highly regard his itinerary.
I believe Obama's Administration and this sum here, and why I've prophesied for years another US president will not sit, truly it represents the death toll of America's corrupt sowing, a weight of 190 lbs. (190 months, a lost of 190 years, 12/25/2001). Which will be in the tens of millions, and those dead in the water of the titanic crash and sinking, their inconceivable cries grow all the more calm, still, silent; of learning possibly a year or so past, I'm not the only one who has seen these manners of massive death tolls, again tens of millions, possibly instantly, US soil, further clarifying why I've seen so many demonstrations of evacuations into a complete exodus regarding America.
Even a fictitious one for as long as I've been in ministry, the African Juttah, Septennial, just see the movie 2012 for more details. Only imagine those mostly to escape, to what would've been Col. Gaddafi's New Africa, were actually marriage (Jesus, The Genesis), worshipers, lead by a world leader of African Origin/Birth. Prophetically, for her sins have reached unto God, and God hath remembered her iniquity and judged her accordingly, that for 190 months, is come a weight and sentence of a subtraction of 190 years. Something I witness behind the intrepid time table, also see Ezekiel 4, who was enduring in all likeness the same, regarding his transgressing Judah.
As so forewarning them like now how an end to all of it had come, God, His Word, Will, Prophecies, the same today yesterday and forever. Thus bearing Gabriel's 2004, divine legality how the fulfilment of all things is upon mankind right into a seventh angel crying aloud the kingdoms of men have become the kingdoms of God and his Christ and they shall reign forever. So just the other night, as I dozed off seeming for only a second, Angels in heaven began to rush toward me this glorious welcome. I only shared this to reassure the tried beyond description Righteous Bride how anxious Heaven's Host to receive and have them as their Heir, so much so, "the Spirit and Bride saith come, every since John heard a voice like a trumpet lament, "come up hither," see Rev. 4:1, awake, be as aware, as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM, also see,
Friday, September 9, 2016
Our Brothers Keeper
Day Twenty-two, 09/09,"of the. "week," prophecy, 08/18, the countdown to Resurrection, Daniel final week of years, see
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb
Prophecy Link
There's something about a dream, regarding the setting of this 'ring of fire,' all round, on the map, even more proof, all rebellion is come to an end, 08/30/2016
There's Something about again living on plantations, before be evacuated into closed borders of Mexico 07/16/2016
Seen to be seeing Miya on Dunlap street where Obama at one time was, as so at a time, Lady Obama, meaning again, time has lapsed America into it's own evil works of oblivion, 08/18//2016
Occupied Territory
An End, The End Hath Come, Summon The Fowls
People Of The Cross, By Selah,
The message of this song so plain and wondrous, is that we knowingly made His Cross, our cross too, like as I sit here and minister to you there are those suffering unimaginably for their faith of Christ, see,, men, women, children, entire families, churches. It is said of most, when they die, when they're martyred for their faith, all they want from their slayers is that they too, though their martyrdom find it as a path, a strait gate to Jesus.
I testified to you what I heard about a baptizer in a foreign, restricted land, how those who come to him; that's come to Jesus, all of us, know, we, they cannot return home, possibly why Jesus say, a man has no honor in his own country. They're even as these waters poured upon them made an out cast because of Jesus, Jesus tell us this, whatever was done to Him and even greater would be done upon all those following.
So many believers, tribulation saints will be behead, they will actually have special centers just for this, deny Christ or be ascended to Him? Good question, what would Jesus do? If any man come after us, The People of the Cross, let him first deny himself, pick his cross, and follow us as we follow Jesus Christ, see here,,
Our Brother's Keeper
When Holy Lords speak through you, which for me is a lot, you find yourself saying things you don't even know about, like having knowledge, revelation, even the wisdom of God before your mouth, your tongue, for example, declaring a Hussein would father this nation, 2003, just as bible prophecy and thought, that's crazy. After writing him many letters, I call myself explaining to then President Bush, well, the cause of those twin towers going down was there was no equalization of wealth, yeah I said that, well Holy Lords said it through me.
I've said it plenty of times, God has destroyed many nations because of their mistreatment of the poor, He's just not going for it. So what do you get, or what do you reap Alex, when you horde all the world's wealth for thyself? You get a crying behind a silence in Heaven Holy beyond anything describable God, lamenting aloud, strip Americans, strip them like my servant Job, again reaping abominable wealth, charity and greed as has been for generations sown.
Seen to be seeing America, Britain going in alternate directions, a voice, "America, Britain, separate them into itty, bitty pieces," see King Nebuchadnezzar, Obama's Administration, even Brexit, Apb
Hark, there's a voice, 2004, "the antichrist will kill millions as millions, go broke," the stumbling block of the wealth of the wicked, no doubt. Not only forgetting God, but His People. Scripturally, God became flesh, dwell among us, took upon Himself the cross for all men now lost, loving the world this much. Now as to refute this, that to love our fellow man (see socialism), beyond ourselves, is not of this sacrificial God, clearly who or what has bewitched you? And I shall send them strong, delusions, that they might believe a lie, that they all might be damn who not in the love of the truth, but had their pleasures in unrighteous, GOH
. My grands, all of them, are at times so distracted by these various technical devices, making and molding them into horrible monsters, see, II Tim. 3:1-5, that America's celebrity constantly curse upon them. The house could burn down all around them; fire alarms, fire truck sirens, neighbors all burn to death and they wouldn't even notice. This is what Jesus is as well forewarning, a world so distracted by mountainous meant for evil devices, these bedazzling innovations whereas unnoticeably as right now catastrophes are come and take them all away, thus the slow motion exodus.
One Era, New Factor
What you all call a NWO, Holy Spirit 2003, per Bush wars called One Era/error unto a New Fear Factor, of course Clinton is dying. I told you I saw a death toll surrounding her and the west allying her reach far beyond the heavens above, like, see Hitler's Germany. Then Trump, you and I know if anyone beside him was talking about building a wall, yall wouldn't have it. Trumps wall to God is going to appear as Nimrods' Tower of Babel, equally rooted and grounded in Mystery Babylon, the great whore of religion, John saw sitting on many waters.
Waters, meaning people, nations and kingdoms, only this is not the beginning of such rebelliousness. The end, the dead end as the Prophet Ezekiel would say, hasn't only come upon the four corners of America, but especially western civilization period. All with an active wine press of God said to run for 175 miles of avenged by God's wrath, of guilty blood, something John equally saw, told all believers to get out! Hark, I hear a voice, " God said, He, possibly His Wine Press, or your little horn, or both, "will kill millions," 2004. All I know the Wealth of the wicked is going on like they don't hear, see or allow biblical prophecy, yet they're shown by it, these thousands of years running and hiding.
That's fitting into these specialized rocks, mountains and caves crying fall on them and hide them, meaning as they lead you all into insurmountable defiance of God's Come Kingdom Reign, (why do the heathen rage? Ps. 2), they supposedly have their hiding places fixed and ready. Though you and I know, if its not the ark of salvation, which is alone Jesus Christ, hiding from the inevitable is just ridiculous, "and I will send them strong delusions, that they might believe a lie." Apparently this is how angry our God at rebellious unbelief more so now than ever, have been ministered Christ for all of time, got Him, got Jesus yet?
There is predicted a death toll upon American soil prophesied to be in the tens of millions, that's even as I write and you read, its been prophesied of God's grace by many people, though by this ministry, for thirty years. Soon given an exact timetable Christmas 2001, for 15.10, then cataclysms, so much so only Jesus Reign can then follow, so what 2016 election? The Obama administration 2008, believe to be a prelude to an Islamic reign, was given a time table of the 15.10 years intrepid judgement, then cataclysmic disasters, where a prophetic Islamic to Antichrist reign will follow, for seven years more, all the more evidence, the "week," prophecy, 08/18/ is genuinely a count down to Daniel's seventieth week of years, then come Jesus' millennium.
Hence the dream regarding the penny store whereas even the poor could no longer afford, having taking advantage of God's Grace and His Anointed for so long, godliness has lost it's value. Now is come this beyond anything mankind is to imagined, nor ever again, of Jesus calling His up, beyond the skies, heart gripping to mouth gaping awe reminder. Truly what did I see? As this unpronounced rescue, reminded we're to look, not to man, as his help is vain, but to the hills, I'd left this sizable abandonment by man, sorely cast down in my spirit, when I began to look skyward.
Even as I did, peer off in a high, bright sun, just as I did, it, this sunlight began it's descent, it began to change, to mutate and metamorphose right before my crying eyes. Well, until just as soon, I was looking at a diamond carved, Crystal Dove, so gigantic as to block out the skies above; no doubt snatching us up into what the prophet Malachi describes as the healing wings of the sunlight of God, and here shall we forever be with the Blessed Lord Christ.
This miraculous description will bring better revelations to being told to fret not, the mid nineties, although Holy Spirits were showing me a being released right out of the earth victorious rider of death that would come, regardless of Christ's Cross, he was to target abominations and detestations upon the lives, lands and churches of the people for they have forsaken God, so this is why there are guns in the churches, in the homes, in the schools, there is no longer a worship of godliness in he land, though fret not, Jesus has reign! Awake, be aware as God, Himself, Apb, the RAM,
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb
Prophecy Link
There's something about a dream, regarding the setting of this 'ring of fire,' all round, on the map, even more proof, all rebellion is come to an end, 08/30/2016
There's Something about again living on plantations, before be evacuated into closed borders of Mexico 07/16/2016
Seen to be seeing Miya on Dunlap street where Obama at one time was, as so at a time, Lady Obama, meaning again, time has lapsed America into it's own evil works of oblivion, 08/18//2016
Occupied Territory
An End, The End Hath Come, Summon The Fowls
People Of The Cross, By Selah,
The message of this song so plain and wondrous, is that we knowingly made His Cross, our cross too, like as I sit here and minister to you there are those suffering unimaginably for their faith of Christ, see,, men, women, children, entire families, churches. It is said of most, when they die, when they're martyred for their faith, all they want from their slayers is that they too, though their martyrdom find it as a path, a strait gate to Jesus.
I testified to you what I heard about a baptizer in a foreign, restricted land, how those who come to him; that's come to Jesus, all of us, know, we, they cannot return home, possibly why Jesus say, a man has no honor in his own country. They're even as these waters poured upon them made an out cast because of Jesus, Jesus tell us this, whatever was done to Him and even greater would be done upon all those following.
So many believers, tribulation saints will be behead, they will actually have special centers just for this, deny Christ or be ascended to Him? Good question, what would Jesus do? If any man come after us, The People of the Cross, let him first deny himself, pick his cross, and follow us as we follow Jesus Christ, see here,,
Our Brother's Keeper
When Holy Lords speak through you, which for me is a lot, you find yourself saying things you don't even know about, like having knowledge, revelation, even the wisdom of God before your mouth, your tongue, for example, declaring a Hussein would father this nation, 2003, just as bible prophecy and thought, that's crazy. After writing him many letters, I call myself explaining to then President Bush, well, the cause of those twin towers going down was there was no equalization of wealth, yeah I said that, well Holy Lords said it through me.
I've said it plenty of times, God has destroyed many nations because of their mistreatment of the poor, He's just not going for it. So what do you get, or what do you reap Alex, when you horde all the world's wealth for thyself? You get a crying behind a silence in Heaven Holy beyond anything describable God, lamenting aloud, strip Americans, strip them like my servant Job, again reaping abominable wealth, charity and greed as has been for generations sown.
Seen to be seeing America, Britain going in alternate directions, a voice, "America, Britain, separate them into itty, bitty pieces," see King Nebuchadnezzar, Obama's Administration, even Brexit, Apb
Hark, there's a voice, 2004, "the antichrist will kill millions as millions, go broke," the stumbling block of the wealth of the wicked, no doubt. Not only forgetting God, but His People. Scripturally, God became flesh, dwell among us, took upon Himself the cross for all men now lost, loving the world this much. Now as to refute this, that to love our fellow man (see socialism), beyond ourselves, is not of this sacrificial God, clearly who or what has bewitched you? And I shall send them strong, delusions, that they might believe a lie, that they all might be damn who not in the love of the truth, but had their pleasures in unrighteous, GOH
. My grands, all of them, are at times so distracted by these various technical devices, making and molding them into horrible monsters, see, II Tim. 3:1-5, that America's celebrity constantly curse upon them. The house could burn down all around them; fire alarms, fire truck sirens, neighbors all burn to death and they wouldn't even notice. This is what Jesus is as well forewarning, a world so distracted by mountainous meant for evil devices, these bedazzling innovations whereas unnoticeably as right now catastrophes are come and take them all away, thus the slow motion exodus.
One Era, New Factor
What you all call a NWO, Holy Spirit 2003, per Bush wars called One Era/error unto a New Fear Factor, of course Clinton is dying. I told you I saw a death toll surrounding her and the west allying her reach far beyond the heavens above, like, see Hitler's Germany. Then Trump, you and I know if anyone beside him was talking about building a wall, yall wouldn't have it. Trumps wall to God is going to appear as Nimrods' Tower of Babel, equally rooted and grounded in Mystery Babylon, the great whore of religion, John saw sitting on many waters.
Waters, meaning people, nations and kingdoms, only this is not the beginning of such rebelliousness. The end, the dead end as the Prophet Ezekiel would say, hasn't only come upon the four corners of America, but especially western civilization period. All with an active wine press of God said to run for 175 miles of avenged by God's wrath, of guilty blood, something John equally saw, told all believers to get out! Hark, I hear a voice, " God said, He, possibly His Wine Press, or your little horn, or both, "will kill millions," 2004. All I know the Wealth of the wicked is going on like they don't hear, see or allow biblical prophecy, yet they're shown by it, these thousands of years running and hiding.
That's fitting into these specialized rocks, mountains and caves crying fall on them and hide them, meaning as they lead you all into insurmountable defiance of God's Come Kingdom Reign, (why do the heathen rage? Ps. 2), they supposedly have their hiding places fixed and ready. Though you and I know, if its not the ark of salvation, which is alone Jesus Christ, hiding from the inevitable is just ridiculous, "and I will send them strong delusions, that they might believe a lie." Apparently this is how angry our God at rebellious unbelief more so now than ever, have been ministered Christ for all of time, got Him, got Jesus yet?
There is predicted a death toll upon American soil prophesied to be in the tens of millions, that's even as I write and you read, its been prophesied of God's grace by many people, though by this ministry, for thirty years. Soon given an exact timetable Christmas 2001, for 15.10, then cataclysms, so much so only Jesus Reign can then follow, so what 2016 election? The Obama administration 2008, believe to be a prelude to an Islamic reign, was given a time table of the 15.10 years intrepid judgement, then cataclysmic disasters, where a prophetic Islamic to Antichrist reign will follow, for seven years more, all the more evidence, the "week," prophecy, 08/18/ is genuinely a count down to Daniel's seventieth week of years, then come Jesus' millennium.
Hence the dream regarding the penny store whereas even the poor could no longer afford, having taking advantage of God's Grace and His Anointed for so long, godliness has lost it's value. Now is come this beyond anything mankind is to imagined, nor ever again, of Jesus calling His up, beyond the skies, heart gripping to mouth gaping awe reminder. Truly what did I see? As this unpronounced rescue, reminded we're to look, not to man, as his help is vain, but to the hills, I'd left this sizable abandonment by man, sorely cast down in my spirit, when I began to look skyward.
Even as I did, peer off in a high, bright sun, just as I did, it, this sunlight began it's descent, it began to change, to mutate and metamorphose right before my crying eyes. Well, until just as soon, I was looking at a diamond carved, Crystal Dove, so gigantic as to block out the skies above; no doubt snatching us up into what the prophet Malachi describes as the healing wings of the sunlight of God, and here shall we forever be with the Blessed Lord Christ.
This miraculous description will bring better revelations to being told to fret not, the mid nineties, although Holy Spirits were showing me a being released right out of the earth victorious rider of death that would come, regardless of Christ's Cross, he was to target abominations and detestations upon the lives, lands and churches of the people for they have forsaken God, so this is why there are guns in the churches, in the homes, in the schools, there is no longer a worship of godliness in he land, though fret not, Jesus has reign! Awake, be aware as God, Himself, Apb, the RAM,
Thursday, September 8, 2016
One Is Loosed Another, Greater To Come
Day Twenty One 09/07, of the "week," prophecy, 08/18, the count down to resurrection, see
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb
Occupied Territory
An End, The End Hath Come, Summon The Fowls
O Sacred Head Now Wounded
Possibly one of the saddest of Selah's song, and just as heart and spirit healing unto reassuring, this beasts of beauty, a divine lyrical along the disastrous to glorious road we by our disobedience to rebelliousness even as I write and you read, yet Jesus died, so you won't have to. Accordingly Holy Spirits forewarning these thirty years Jesus is no longer pictured as a coming redeemer, yet sitting the Father's right hand. Though more like end time Apostle witness of Him that spring of 1986, Jesus is right this moment tearing through the clouds after the Righteous Bride whose Marriage Supper, has come.
Just how long have heavens host waited to have the Bride's arrival finally and completely this heir with to them, I told you what they lamented at me last I was there, how they can't hardly wait. Henceforth it stands to both prophetic to glorious reason, I been having demonstrations about divine manners of census taking, physical overwhelming and just recently, doing a ceremony there, I participated where a roll, name call was being performed out of the book of life, whose explicit identities would rise from these ancient pages and fitter and float into the distant heavens away, having served it's long await purpose, thus second death having no power here.
“Him that overcome will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name. I told you as odd, and as mentally disengaged as it made me feel, I know it shouldn't have simply being biblical to prophetic fulfillment, the heavenly host exclaiming how they can't wait to join me, here, meaning they too anxiously await a New Heaven and a New Earth, a new Jerusalem descending as a bride unto groom, this cemented in righteous blood, eternal covenant sealing them, again I say, hallelujah!
Prophecy Links
Seen to be seeing a Trumpet hand off to the Angel Gabriel, the fulfillment of the Trump of God on the map.
Come to think of it, I've been seeing the rise of vicious beast since the mid eighties, it was then I witness the great whore of religious, this enormous beast, with a greater pending, wow'd devoured many, when the blessed Bridegroom come and fought with the Holy Bride completely defeating them.
It was in 2001, I was shown a judgment that involved a beige horse, in the vision it appeared as though, this was a weight of guiltiness, western civilization, with America this lead, had lost hundreds of years first, and this pale horse, infested with fleas was additionally this sentence, with many other such the like, pending.
It was in 2005, I witness a great beast stomping and chomping at people as they sat their porches, indicating for when they shall say peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them like travail upon a woman with child, and they shall not escape.
It was in 2004 the Angel Gabriel himself, appeared, and I quote, "the fulfillment of all things is upon mankind," as so she's coming or going with seventh angel,," post the marriage supper into Jesus' second return with the Bride
It was 2008, doing it's highly anticipated election, whereas not only acting like a world leader was Obama declared "the one," not the Antichrist but a prelude to the Islamic Reign that would both produce and introduce this little horn of Daniel's Week,", here given a time table of two weeks and seven years in this order. It was doing this same time, I witness the rise of two horrible beast, one from land, one from sea, see Rev. 13
It was in 2010, I won't up in a demonstration, explained all the better here, and here,, at first horrid thing above any, the heavens above had become crystal, was cracking along these sizable shods of missiles making everything and everybody on this planet it's target, beyond horrifying. Here soon were as well two beast, appearing in likeness of demonized creatures of the amphibian species, that were crystallized as well.
Seen to be seeing a grim reaper bearing a sword like syringe targeting severely at the heart, of stampeding Americans, a reaping of evil so precise, nothing was left of it, but a type of magnetized memorabilia one is to hand on the frig, 2010.
It was in 2014, I witness an additional beast, the underlining one responsible for the great falling away that is to proceed the great gathering of saints. When I witness him he was stomping, chomping, and clawing his way from the pulpit into the pews which all seem to be vacant, why doeth mass assembly sit so solitary that was once filled with millions?
It was in 2015, after I witness the Beast/Antichrist totally consume the earth, I was also made to see the Bride reigning in heaven and readying the stone made without hands, whose release was announced as the Antichrist murderer.
It was in 2016 a voice declaring frightfully, "I have a bear in 20 counties/countries, I presumed as in a bear market, a failing stock market, world economy, remember it is prophesied to me, that the Antichrist will kill millions as millions go broke, as so will millions die by the wine-press of God.
I just received a word just now, and I quote, "call for twelve," 08/18/2016, see twelve tribes of Israel, Rev. 7:4, just as so with insurmountable judgement pending, 2001-2017. Assuredly, this could as well be as the demonstration of that of Ezekiel 9, Ezekiel witnessing a wrathful God summon six slayers, out of the higher gate north, now double the rebellious recompense, there are twelve, Apb
Seen to be both seeing and hearing the "week," prophecy, come both a count down to Daniel's Week, into the church age finale, 08/18/2016
Why Doeth Thou Marvel, I Will Show You The Mystery Of The Whore
Surely now we understand what Gabriel proclaiming a fulfillment of all things, even the sounding of the seventh angel that is this indescribable celebration of the fall of rebellious man, and now to God and Jesus, kingdom reign be the Glory forever and ever. Just as so can we clearly understand, well just imagine, though He was facing the greatest trials of all human life come and to come. Truly how glorious it was not only for a wounded Jesus, but an unnumbered host of heaven, His Father, and Our Father, sitting on a Throne there when Jesus to readied unto our crucifixion looked eye to eye with an inquiring, finding nothing guilty about this especial human being, Governor Pilate and said, 'this world is not my home,' thus labor not for the meat which perisheth but is unto immoral life, Jesus is Christ!
So all things mankind worship that is not rooted and grounded in Jesus Christ, haven't since the first Adam fall been any manner of peace and safety, even when we proclaim peace and safety, death, judgment and hell aways stalk us, even Satan as a ravening wolf is on the proll seeking whom he may devour, put ye on the whole armor of God. Nor has it ever been life and living, but a curse by which Lucifer entrap mankind at the forfeiture of his soul, his true, authentic worthy, is and always have been a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, I beseech thee surrender all to HIM, being not conformed to this world, but being transformed by the renewing of your heart, no longer making provisions for the flesh, now by divine testament, born again.
And In The Hebrew Hath His Name Apollyon
I do have a word which says remember the 10 plagues, as so one forewarning, 2013, and I quoe, of five more disasters, and the dream, why visiting or doing a celebration in heaven, the sunlight moved from behind a mountain and spoke let my people go, just yesterday on Alex Jones pages, they were talking about how many people 15 years later l know so little about the 911 attacks, or little care, while months ago I forewarn to be aware, how beyond imagining America, he west have build heir own Nimrod Towers, despite Hitler's Holocaust slaughtering millions and all rooted in vast blood guility now like in th days of Moses giving us blood to drink.
God promises strong delusions upon those who've resisted the light of the world which hath come, and been preached into bloody soil these thousands of years, that;s to being upon them strong delusions, now we know that strong delusional that they believe nothing but lies is America the great mystery, even this wind time Mystery Babylon rooted and grounded in and continuing to now, 2001-2017, the Prophet Daniel witness rise, adverse to all other reigning of nations, have great Iron teeth, and sent to devour much flesh, this is the horror beyond all horrors on this earth Jesus is forewarning about, concerning Noah's earth, her we are in al likeness of them only worse.
Cross Christ has been lifted upon the foundation laid for mankind, drawing millions upon millions to it, even millions counted as martyred, crying from beneath God's Throne, and awarded for their sacrifices, that God take his vengeance of their blood yet being spilled, so river of blood back then, now and yet to come, are the stock reminder you sow blood, you reap blood, explaining how God's wine press alone, will flow by a length of 175 miles of blood, you've given him regardless of Christ Cross, nothing but blood, here is the long lamented blood harvest, with death tolls on US soil, predicted to be in the tens of millions. Let me try this again, every prophesied beast released from even thousands of years of imprisonment. So when Daniel speak of the Prince of Persia preventing him, and Michael arriving to the rescue, even that a Prince of Grecia was next to arise.
They're describing Satanic to demonic territorial spirits, evil fallen angels, all allied to prevent God' Kingdom reign, and the best way to stand in the way of God's fulfilling prophecy, or His Anointed doing this. So just Gabriel was on assignment to take end time prophecy to Daniel, Persia territorial spirit was sent to prevent them, with him 21 days until Micheal cleared this way, to Daniel would be revealed things being fulfilled in national to international media right the moment. Now since cast out of their high places, these wicked principalities all the more upon them earth, like John, and especially Daniel prior, I've seen the rise of all of them, they're all come out of prediction in one way or another, and if you're finally come into the revelation, that this world doesn't belong to you, us mankind, it never did, but more so now than ever.
This is what Holy Spirits were forewarning, and we as usual little listen, woe, woe, woe, how that O dragon is now come down to you having great wrath, because he know he has but a little time. My recent to better understanding is that we, the Righteous Bride have been living in a post rapture setting, not only since spring of 1986 and phenomenally without description Jesus appearing demonstration a formation of Resurrection, in it's entirety to me, but this has miraculously been so since John he beloved testified of hearing a voice like a trumpet saying come up here, that is the first Resurrection, and biblical scholars say nothing is again mention of a church that is earthbound, but only in heaven and that preparing like Jesus, with him unto the second coming where he will lay waste to all that is the heathen raging,
Rightly to explain both seeing a Trumpet passed off to the Angel Gabriel, and, though many visitations not only from him, Gabriel, but many various angels, but this one visitation as lately as 2004, declaring us the generation, where all prophecy is unto fulfillment, us, you and I, our children, grands and great. Holy Spirits through apostle's ministry has shown you such miraculous things only the book of revelation itself is in any comparison, and though I've been to humble to realize this truth for myself, it's getting so there is no denying it, I witness a pale horse judgment, and hell prophesied to ride with him, 2001, that's to be fulfilled US soil, in less than two years, this is why so many people have seen unimaginable death toll here, so much so the billions upon billions spent on 2016 election shouldn't been wisely spent on repentant alters and evacuating the country, even the continent.
Personally, I witness a Yellowstone super volcano type cataclysmic disaster happen to it as mighty as to set the nation, even nation building, back for nearly 200 years, then the final seven years surrounding Daniel week, what I believe the week prophecy, 08/18/ is counting up down to do, as so the Church age ending, meaning the first resurrection is being performed along this dwindling down to the end times of rebellious man, explaining the greatest of prophetic days, 02/2015, since before President Obama, then yet the senator, 2008, where I received more visions and dreams regarding the Antichrist than ever before, even those beast Rev. 13, who're to possess men's of predictions into both Antichrist and the False Prophets, now 2015, I saw it all fulfill, the little horn mighty reign, and the release of the stone without hands that's to destroy them with the brightness of His, Jesus' coming, awake, be aware as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM
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